You searched for "periocular"
Idiopathic orbital pseudotumor as first sign of systemic inflammatory disease
4 February 2021
| Fiona Rowe (Prof)
Paediatric Ophthalmology / Strabismus
The authors describe four children in whom idiopathic orbital pseudotumor (IOP) was the initial solitary finding with systemic inflammatory disease developing later. Four children were seen over a five-year period. Mean age was 9.75 years (2-14). Three were white and...
Detecting muscle insertion position by ultrasound
4 February 2021
| Fiona Rowe (Prof)
Paediatric Ophthalmology / Strabismus
The purpose of this study was to investigate the accuracy to locate muscle insertion positions before and after strabismus surgery using wide-field ultrasound biomicroscopy with the bag / balloon technique. Thirty-nine muscles of 22 adult patients aged 34.7 ±15.5 years...
Prevalence of visual function impairment in congenital ptosis
7 April 2021
| Fiona Rowe (Prof)
Paediatric Ophthalmology / Strabismus
This study sought to evaluate the prevalence of visual function loss in the setting of congenital ptosis. This was a retrospective study of 155 eyes of 134 patients; 72 males and 62 females. Mean age at diagnosis was 7.8 ±5.8...
Carcinoid tumours
This is a retrospective review of 28 patients with carcinoid tumours affecting the orbit. The mean age at presentation of the orbital involvement was 62 years, with a slight female preponderance, and 21% had carcinoid syndrome. Proptosis and diplopia were...Rectus muscle insertion shift at surgery
1 October 2021
| Fiona Rowe (Prof)
Paediatric Ophthalmology / Strabismus
Limbal-insertion distance, insertion shift, rectus muscle insertion
The authors conducted this study to evaluate the shift in rectus muscle insertion when the muscle is disinserted from the globe but before it is recessed and / or transposed. They measured the amount of central rectus muscle insertion shift...
Whiteboard illustrations added to pre-surgery timeout procedure
1 October 2021
| Lauren R Hepworth
Paediatric Ophthalmology / Strabismus
The authors present results of a quality improvement initiative. A whiteboard illustrated with right and left eyes with views of the extraocular muscles was developed, the board also contained spaces for the patient’s name, deviation, versions and the procedure name....
Outcomes after surgery for INS
5 April 2022
| Fiona Rowe (Prof)
Paediatric Ophthalmology / Strabismus
The purpose of this study was to detail clinical and electrophysical outcomes after extraocular muscle surgery in adults with infantile nystagmus syndrome (INS). This was a single centre prospective case series of 81 patients aged 18-72 years (mean 36); 63%...
A rare case of oculomotor nerve palsy from presumed cavernous angioma
1 February 2019
| Claire Howard
Cavernous angioma, infant, oculomotor nerve, oculomotor nerve palsy, schwannoma
Cavernous angiomas of the cranial nerves are extremely rare, and those of the oculomotor (third) nerve are rarer still. The authors present a single case study of presumed cavernous angioma involving the subarachnoid portion of the left third nerve, which...
Tutopatch® in surgical management of third nerve palsy
31 October 2023
| Fiona Rowe (Prof)
Paediatric Ophthalmology / Strabismus
Extra-ocular muscles surgery, lyophilized bovine pericardium (Tutopatch®), re-operations for third nerve palsy
his study evaluates the benefit of using Tutopatch® to elongate the extraocular muscles in patients with third nerve palsy who have residual strabismus after unsuccessful surgery and no other surgical options considered to be appropriate. The study included nine patients...
IgG4 related orbital disease
1 June 2018
| Jaya Myneni
Oculoplastics, Orbit
IgG4-related orbital disease, lymphoma, nonspecific orbital inflammation, orbit
This retrospective study was done to determine the prevalence of IgG4 related orbital disease (IgG4ROD) in patients who previously had biopsies for suspected idiopathic orbital inflammatory disease (IOID) and / or orbital lymphoproliferative disease (OLD). The charts and slides of...
Strabismus and scleral buckling
1 October 2017
| Fiona Rowe (Prof)
Paediatric Ophthalmology / Strabismus
Scleral buckle, strabismus
The authors examine the incidence of strabismus following scleral buckle for retinal detachment surgery and the factors that influence the strabismus, its incidence, preventative measures and treatment options. This was a retrospective review of 344 patients (360 eyes) with a...
Surgical effect of limited membrane dissection
1 October 2017
| Fiona Rowe (Prof)
Paediatric Ophthalmology / Strabismus
Minimally invasive, strabismus surgery, tenon capsule
Strabismus surgery was performed with minimal dissection of Tenons sheath and minimal tissue manipulation compared to conventional methods for patients with pure horizontal strabismus – to evaluate the effect on surgical outcomes. The study included 54 patients; 52% female. Mean...