You searched for "blink"

3940 results found

Results of single muscle advancement surgery

The aim of this study was to determine quantitatively the efficacy of medial and lateral rectus muscle advancement in consecutive exotropia and esotropia. The authors analysed the relationship between the change in muscle position and the change in visual angle...

Strabismus and binocular summation

The authors conducted a pilot study to investigate the effect of visual noise or background complexity on binocular summation in patients with strabismus. A target embedded in pixel noise was used. The study involved performance of a task detecting a...

Ametropic amblyopia and stereopsis

This study aimed to evaluate the correlations between ametropic amblyopia (hypermetropic – 110, myopic – 30, and astigmatic – 65) and stereopsis in 205 children – mean age of 5.2 years ±1.8. For near stereopsis, significant results were found for...

Resection versus advancement for consecutive XT

The authors performed a retrospective review of results for patients treated with resection for consecutive exotropia in comparison to patients treated with advancement to the original insertion. The age of the resection and advancement groups averaged 33.6 and 38.2 years...

Review of paediatric infectious endophthalmitis

This paper presents a review on paediatric infectious endophthalmitis and considers aetiology, prognosis and management. Classification included exogenous and endogenous. Diagnosis was based on presenting history, signs and symptoms, cultures and imaging. Exogenous cases included postoperative endophthalmitis (strabismus surgery, glaucoma...

Three muscle surgery results for ET

There is limited information in the literature on the outcomes of three muscle surgery. The authors aimed to evaluate the medium term motor outcomes of three horizontal muscle surgery in 18 patients with large angle infantile esotropia of at least...

Postoperative astigmatism

The authors investigate the short and long-term postoperative refractive effects of medial rectus recession on the involved eye and explain the detectable effects in detail by the results of vector analysis in 52 eyes and 32 patients. The subjects had...

Childhood headaches

The goal of this study was to compare headache resolution in children receiving or not receiving refractive correction. The authors conducted a retrospective review of 158 patients: 78 male and 80 female aged three to twelve years (mean eight). Twenty-seven...

Choroidal defects in neurofibromatosis

The aim of this study was to investigate the frequency of choroidal abnormalities using infrared reflectance imaging with optical coherence tomography (OCT) in paediatric patients with neurofibromatosis (NF) type 1. Thirty-eight eyes of 19 patients were reviewed. NF1 was diagnosed...

Methotrexate and mycophenolate mofetil for non-infectious uveitis

This is the first reported randomised clinical trial comparing methotrexate versus mycophenolate mofetil (MMF) for the treatment of non-infectious intermediate uveitis, posterior uveitis or panuveitis. To be eligible for recruitment, patients had to be on ≥15mg oral prednisone and demonstrated...

Short-term effects of intravitreal bevacizumab on the cornea

Bevacizumab has been extensively used to treat macula oedema and neovascularisation of the retina and it has also been useful in the management of corneal neovascular diseases. This prospective study aimed to provide more information on the effect bevacizumab may...

Meibomian gland dropout in patients with dry eyes

In this prospective study 264 patients with symptoms of dry eye were examined with a non-contact meibography system to assess the morphological changes in their meibomian glands. These patients were not previously diagnosed with meibomian gland dysfunction and patients with...