You searched for "blink"

3940 results found

Early surgery for epiretinal membrane

This was a retrospective case review study in 120 consecutive patients with idiopathic epiretinal membrane. The average patient age was 72 years with a mean follow-up of 6.5 months. Inclusion criteria consisted of symptomatic patients with visual acuity of 1.0...

Effect of laser wavelength on delivering effective burns through opaque lens using pattern scan laser

Panretinal photocoagulation (PRP) has been used in the treatment of various retinal disorders for many decades. Conventional single-spot lasers take quite some time to do with significantly higher pain, anxiety and photophobia when compared to the pattern scan laser (PSL)....

Visual fields and OCT in hydroxychloroquine retinopathy

It has been recommended that patients on hydroxychloroquine be monitored regularly for retinopathy. However, there has not been an agreement as to the best screening test for hydroxychloroquine toxicity, which may include visual fields (VF), fundus autofluorescence, spectral domain optical...

Pterygium ocular surface temperature

This prospective study investigated the ocular surface temperature in patients with pterygia compared to those with dry and healthy eyes respectively. Previous studies have shown that patients with dry eyes show a significant decrease in ocular surface temperature on sustained...

Allergic conjunctivitis evaluation by thermography

Thermography is a non-invasive imaging technique, which uses infrared radiation reflected from an object to estimate the temperature of the object. This paper evaluates the use of thermography to assess allergic conjunctivitis objectively, by using an instrument called ocular surface...

Effect of single intravitreal injection of bevacizumab on contrast sensitivity in patients with central retinal vein occlusion

Central retinal vein occlusion is the second most common retinal vascular disorder after diabetic retinopathy. There are many studies reporting the efficacy of intravitreal anti-VEGF injections for macular oedema secondary to retinal vein occlusions. This paper looks at the contrast...

Effects of topical anaesthetic on intraocular pressure

This prospective interventional study assessed the effects of repeated intraocular pressure (IOP) using Goldmann applanation tonometry and applanation resonance tonometry in six volunteers. Previous literature supports IOP reduction using repeated applanation tonometry. Repeated IOP measures were taken alternately on 12...

Sleep positions and the effect on IOP

The authors describe a study to determine if sleeping at a 20 degree head up position decreases nocturnal IOP compared with lying supine in patients with and without glaucoma. They recruited 30 patients (60 eyes) 15 with glaucoma and 15...

A case report of Horner syndrome with neuromyelitis optica

This case report details a patient diagnosed with neuromyelitis optica (NMO) with an associated left Horner syndrome. The female patient presented with neck pain and right hemibody decreased pain and temperature sensation. She then went on to develop left ptosis...

Identification and diagnosis of thalamic haemorrhage

This paper presents a case of thalamic haemorrhage and discusses clinical findings, providing valuable insight into signs clinicians need to look for. The case presented is of a 76-year-old female who developed left hemiplegia and hemi anaesthesia. Ocular motility testing...

Use of technology in low vision rehabilitation

This article is a review of the accessibility features available on tablets and smartphones for the visually impaired. It explains exactly what the accessibility features are, how to access them and how to use them as well as some useful...

Stroke-vision symptoms

The purpose of this study was to investigate the frequency and type of visual symptoms following stroke and evaluate what certain factors were associated with the absence of visual symptoms. This was a prospective, multi-centre, observation cohort study with 915...