You searched for "blink"

3940 results found

Canaloplasty after failed trabeculectomy

The authors describe the technique of canaloplasty performed in five patients who had undergone previous trabeculectomy and under maximum tolerated medical therapy or insufficient intraocular pressure (IOP) control. Canaloplasty is described by the authors as “a nonperforating blebless technique derived...

Risk calculation variability over time in OHT

In this study the authors aimed to assess the variability of the well documented risk model from the Ocular Hypertension Treatment Study (OHTS) that identified higher intraocular pressure (IOP), older age, lower central corneal thickness (CCT), greater vertical cup-to-disc ratio...

Risk factors for failed vision screening

Failure rates on vision screening tests were reported by age and racial / ethnic categories in a large sample of children with most aged 6-11 years. Many children resided in lower socioeconomic status areas. Data was taken from 9743 children....

DTI/MRI results in amblyopia

Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) is an MRI technique that can evaluate white matter integrity and neuronal connectivity. Normal brain maturation and myelination are associated with reduced water diffusion and increased diffusion anisotropy. The authors aimed to evaluate the anterior optic...

An unusual case of sellar chondroma

A single case of chondrogenic neoplasm arising from the base of the skull is presented and discussed. These benign and slow growing tumours in the sellar region are extremely rare and as such this article provides a useful insight and...

An unusual case report of bilateral abducens paralysis

In this case report a nine-year-old girl develops bilateral abducens nerve paralysis, caused by vertebrobasilar dolichoectasia. Vertebrobasilar dolichoectasia is characterised by dilation, tortuosity and marked elongation of the vertebral and basilar arteries. Clinical findings result from the compression and displacement...

Cost-effectiveness of femtosecond cataract surgery

Femtosecond laser-assisted cataract surgery has become increasingly popular due to the reported benefits of increasing precision and reproducibility of capsulorrhexis, less power and manipulation required during phacoemulsification, better corneal wound architecture, and the ability to place precise arcuate keratotomy incisions...

Management of high AC/A esotropia

The purpose of this study was to determine the long-term effect of treating high accommodative convergence to accommodation (AC/A) esotropia with single vision lenses (SVL) compared with the effectiveness of using SVL on patients with basic refractive esotropia and a...

Transsynaptic retrograde degeneration linked to homonymous visual field loss after stroke

centre, of individuals identified with homonymous visual field loss post ischaemic stroke. Exclusion criteria were bilateral ischaemia, anterior / pregeniculate visual pathway affected and other pathology with the potential to effect visual fields. The following were extracted from the medical...

Potential gender and degree of deviation bias regarding perceived urgency for surgery

This study aimed to define potential factors that influence the perceived urgency of strabismus surgery by ophthalmologists. This was a survey study which comprised questions regarding demographics of the ophthalmology respondents and a ranking of eight photos of adults with...

Features and outcomes of pulled-in-two syndrome

Pulled-in-two (PIT) syndrome is a sudden rupture of the extraocular muscle during strabismus surgery, typically with minimal tension intraoperatively without excessive force. This is a rare occurrence and this study reports cases from a single centre over a seven-year period....

Comparison of five IOL formula for paediatric eyes

There is no consensus on the most suitable intraocular lens formulas for paediatric eyes to provide consistent postoperative results. This study compared modern IOL formulas to identify the smallest mean prediction error among them: Hill-RBF 2.0, Barrett Universal II (BUII),...