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510 results found

Ciliatech reports positive clinical results on novel glaucoma implant, CID, in 24-month post-operative follow up

Chavanod (near Annecy), France, March 29, 2023 - Ciliatech, an ophthalmology medtech company developing a new class of implant to treat glaucoma durably, announced the positive results of a 24-month post-operative follow-up on a clinical trial of CID, its first generation Cilio-scleral Inter-positioning Device.

The approach to trabeculectomy postoperative complications

Performing a trabeculectomy is like giving birth to a baby. It may be traumatic and there is scope for devastating error but once the operation is completed only then does the real work begin. The bleb must be nurtured into...

Long-term outcome of ALPI for plateau iris syndrome

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the long-term outcomes of plateau iris syndrome (PIS) patients treated with argon laser peripheral iridoplasty (ALPI) following YAG laser peripheral iridotomy (LPI). Typical ALPI settings were a spot size of 200 to...

What's trending Aug/Sep 2023

A round-up of the eye-related hot topics that have been trending on social media over the last few weeks. #Trufflesthekitty #Visionambassador #glassescat #ambylopiaawarness Truffles the Kitty was recently featured on Good Morning America [1]. Save the cute kitty footage for...

Corporate M&A pace gathers momentum

Intensifying franchise competition, maturing product development pipelines and looming loss of exclusivity spur renewed merger and acquisition (M&A) activity in the ophthalmics sector. Rod McNeil reviews recent deals and related strategic developments. AbbVie to acquire Allergan in $63 billion mega-combination,...

A connected workplace – Part 1

Losing services to external providers is an increasingly common challenge for traditional NHS eye care providers. The external providers tend to have a well connected IT infrastructure, allowing sharing of patient records and imaging data between their different facilities. Working...

Interview with Clinical Director of OpenEyes

Professor James Morgan is an Ophthalmic Consultant at Cardiff Hospital and also the clinical director of the OpenEyes programme. Given the national push for electronic records we felt hearing directly from James would be of interest. The interview was conducted...

Guildford Rotary Eye Project

Guildford Rotary Eye Project (GREP) was conceived and implemented during the last 15 years with the sole aim to motivate and empower host Rotary clubs in India and Africa to resolve their problems with their own money. International partners in...

The results of the last survey Apr24

It has been a few years now since we started these surveys and I continue to be amazed by the variance in our practice. As a patient, I think I would expect there to be more consistency and evidence-based practice....

The implementation of postoperative day 1 vitrectomy telephone follow-up consultations

In this pre-COVID-19 study, the authors argue that some follow-up consultations can be done by telephone without compromising patient safety. Thirty years ago, a study by Isernhagen et al. [1] found that 52% of patients required some form of unexpected...

Useful and controversial apps and services

These apps and web services are not specifically ophthalmic but hopefully of interest. Office Lens Delegates take pictures of presentation slides at conferences quite frequently. If this is something you do, have a look at the ‘Office Lens’ app. This...

SLT versus medication for OAG

This paper appraised existing randomised clinical trials (RCTs), which compared selective laser tabeculoplasty (SLT) with medical therapy for open-angle glaucoma (OAG), and performed a systematic review and meta-analysis. A total of 1229 patients in eight trials were included from PubMed,...