You searched for "glands"

563 results found

The history of ophthalmology: John Argyll Robertson and Douglas Moray Cooper Lamb Argyll Robertson

The author shares the story of an extraordinary father and son, two of the major figures in defining the specialty of ophthalmology as we know it today. The renowned Glasgow Surgeon Peter Lowe described ophthalmic surgery in his legendary surgical...

Rb-NET: a network to save life and preserve vision in children in Africa

Responding to need is a key element underpinning the VISION 2020 LINKS Programme [1]. It is embedded in the process through which LINKS are established, with institutions in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) first defining their priority areas of training...

AOP welcomes Labour plan on primary care optometry

In a keynote health policy speech at the Institute for Government (IfG) annual conference, Karin Smyth MP committed to working with primary care optometry to reduce hospital waiting times.

Guildford Rotary Eye Project

Guildford Rotary Eye Project (GREP) was conceived and implemented during the last 15 years with the sole aim to motivate and empower host Rotary clubs in India and Africa to resolve their problems with their own money. International partners in...

People watching…

Confession time: I love a good airport lounge! Not only does it mean that you are about to go get some sunshine on a well-deserved break, it also provides a perfect opportunity to watch people go by. And what a...

Ophthalmology specialty training applications: a costly affair?

Ophthalmology is one of the most competitive specialties to pursue training in worldwide. In the United Kingdom, the ST1 entry national selection competition ratio for the past few years has ranged between four to five applicants per post [1]. The...

Cementing a VISION 2020 LINK partnership between Blantyre and Liverpool – building capacity for DR services alongside research

Malawi is a small land-locked country in eastern Africa with a growing population of over 17 million people. About 45% of the population is aged 14 or under; only 5% are aged 60 or over. The gross national income per...

Ophthalmic Aid to Eastern Europe (OAEE)

Peter Cackett, Tim ffytche and Dr Irina Gout reflect on historic ophthalmic aid sent to Eastern Europe. This article was written prior to the horrific events in Ukraine. An appeal for funds and equipment may be made by OAEE later...

The Eye Health Network – an ‘optometry-first’ approach to eye care

Historically, in NHS Grampian, ophthalmology and optometry worked separately, with even the process of optometry referral to hospital occurring only at the behest of the patient’s general practitioner (GP). Criteria for referral were not discussed and feedback after referral was...

Sharing best practice and landmark evidence in glaucoma care

Evolving technology, best practice and landmark evidence in glaucoma care were reviewed by an international expert faculty in session presentations and debates during the 11th Moorfields International Glaucoma Symposium 2019. The authors were meeting chairs and provide an overview of...

Medical and eye health teams defy odds to deliver treatments for trachoma in Ethiopia, but millions worldwide risk return of disease amid UK aid cuts

Ophthalmologists, nurses, and eye health workers in Ethiopia defied the odds to treat millions with trachoma-fighting antibiotics and surgeries - despite cuts to UK Aid assistance threatening eye care. This World Neglected Tropical Diseases Day Orbis, the international eye care...

Eye News to host educational day focused on AI and new technology

We’re delighted to announce that we will be hosting a symposium again next year as part of Eyecare 2020.