You searched for "peripheral"

287 results found

What's trending Aug/Sept 2019

#puppydogeyes Who can resist a pair of puppy dog eyes? It may be that no human can! A team of researchers discovered that dogs acquired a new forehead muscle, which is scanty or absent in wolves. This muscle is the...

Brave new world

It’s a great honour to be handed the editorial relay baton by Professor Bal Dhillon and I hope I don’t fumble it along the way. As I put pen to paper, I reflect on Bal’s signing off in the last...

It’s Friday, I’m In Love: Pete’s Hidden Curriculum Part 3

“When you’re in love, it’s the most glorious two-and-a-half days of your life.” - Richard Lewis [1]. The good news is that we are over the hump now and past the most depressing day of the year, which is known...

Neonatal hypoxic ischaemic encephalopathy with imaging abnormalities in the occipital lobe – how to counsel the parents

Case A baby boy, with a background of intrauterine growth restriction, was born at 37 weeks and three days gestation via forceps delivery. The baby was born in poor condition, with low heart rate, poor respiratory rate, poor colour and...

Bosch-Boonstro-Schaaff optic atrophy syndrome (BBSOAS) NR2F1 mutation

An experienced ophthalmologist can make an anatomical diagnosis of childhood visual impairment based upon the surgical sieve, i.e., congenital and acquired. But an ophthalmologist cannot work in isolation to make an aetiological diagnosis – one would require the help of...

A paradigm shift in the way we approach cataract surgery

Cataract surgery is the most common elective surgical procedure in the UK [1], with in the region of 350,000 cases being conducted each year. With an ageing population, this figure will only continue to rise over time. Cataract surgery is...

Neovascular AMD: fresh recommendations underline standards of best practice

The management of neovascular age-related macular degeneration (nAMD) has advanced dramatically over the past seven years, with the introduction of targeted new therapies that successfully maintain or improve vision in a majority of affected individuals. It’s a fast moving field,...

Treatment of diabetic macular oedema

Diabetic macular oedema (DMO) is a common complication associated with diabetic retinopathy, and the most common cause of visual impairment in diabetes [1]. With predicted rising levels of diabetes (in England by 2025 the estimated population with diabetes will be...

Developments in oculoplastic surgery

A study of NHS practice demonstrated significant patient-reported quality-of-life improvements from commonly performed oculoplastic operations: entropion repair, ectropion repair, ptosis repair and dacrocystorhinostomy (DCR) [1]. In recent years, surgical and non-surgical approaches to functional and aesthetic oculoplastic surgery have advanced...

FAQs about cerebral visual impairment (CVI): identifying and helping those affected

Cerebral visual impairment is common in both adults and children, yet the diagnosis can easily be missed unless one is tuned into the presenting features. This article provides a succinct introduction to this important topic. What is vision? Vision is...

Retinopathy of prematurity treatment in the South West of England: long-term outcomes 1997-2008

Retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) is a condition that affects the developing retinal vascular system of pre-term babies. If left untreated, ROP can lead to severe visual impairment. The severe visual impairment caused by untreated ROP can be prevented by screening...