You searched for "patient"

3255 results found

Near cue responses

The authors tested subjects with esotropia (13 constant esotropia, 16 fully accommodative esotropia and eight convergence excess) versus age-matched controls and 27 young adult emmetropes for response profiles in comparison to matched control groups. They found responses to the all-cue...

Improving vision screening access

The purpose of this study was to determine whether providing access to instrument-based screening equipment would increase the total number of high quality age-appropriate vision screenings provided to pre-school aged children. SPOT vision screening was placed in paediatric offices at...

Information booklet for eye drop use

On the basis that children may be more at ease and experience less discomfort and anxiety if provided with some control and choices, the authors developed an eye drop booklet in collaboration with children. This study describes the amount of...

Attitudes to strabismus in an Ethiopian population

The authors conducted a community-based cross-sectional study in Gondar town (NW Ethiopia) in April 2019 of all eligible adults with a two-stage random sampling procedure for recruitment. Six hundred and two participants were included with a response rate of 94.9%...

Access to eyecare based on geographical location

The authors aimed to evaluate access to paediatric ophthalmology using geo-informatics (OpenStreetMap software) with the objectives being to calculate driving time between vision screening centres and eyecare providers (ophthalmologists or optometrists) coupled with mapping to demographic information and economic census...

Use of YouTube videos to show surgical techniques for paediatric cataract surgery

This study aimed to assess the quality of the most highly viewed paediatric cataract surgery videos regarding surgeon proficiency and execution of key techniques. A search for congenital cataract surgery and paediatric cataract surgery was made in YouTube. The top...

Augmented trabeculectomy with mitomycin C in primary congenital glaucoma

This study aimed to determine success of trabeculectomy augmented with mitomycin C (MMC) in children with primary congenital glaucoma (PCG) and document complications of this intervention. Over a two-year period, the authors treated 74 eyes of 42 children with PCG,...

Head-mounted display impact

This study investigated the clinical effects of the head-mounted display on the normal eye to obtain reliable safety data in adolescents. The study included 60 volunteers aged on average 14.7 ±1.3 years (13-18) of which 59% were female. Mean best...

VDT use and dry eye disease in children

There has been an increase in the amount of work performed using video display terminals. This study compared school children with and without dry eye disease and evaluated the risk factors of dry eye disease and evaluated the risk factors...

Increase in myopia during the Covid-19 lockdown periods

The aim of this study was to examine the effect of the Covid-19-related lockdown on myopia progression of school-aged children in Lebanon. The authors reviewed 443 records of myopic children aged 3–18 years (mean 11.81 ±3.67) presenting from January 2020...

General population perceptions of severity of strabismus vs. angle of deviation and gender

The authors investigate whether the potential bias of gender, type of deviation, or size of deviation affected how strabismus was perceived among a general adult population. Eight photos were generated (head shots) of white people aged 25–30 years – purposive...

Cavernous sinus syndrome

Anatomically the cavernous sinus is a plexus of multiple veins that are connected and within this plexus there are several important vascular and neurological structures. These include cranial nerves III, IV, V1 (and sometimes V2), VI as well as the...