You searched for "blindness"

783 results found

The role of injection assistant devices in establishing a nurse-led AMD service

The author shares his experience of setting up a nurse-led service to deliver anti-VEGF intravitreal injections and how injection assistant devices supported training. Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) has become a leading cause of irreversible blindness [1]. It is estimated that...

A career in uveitis

As he retires from clinical practice, the author looks back on his long career in uveitis and how care of these patients has changed dramatically since his days as an undergraduate. My trainees and fellows are often bored by my...

Simulating the visual impairment symptoms of age-related macular degeneration in virtual reality

A new virtual reality application visually simulates age-related macular degeneration and demonstrates its progression over time including some Charles Bonnet syndrome hallucinations. Introduction Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is the leading cause of blindness in developed countries with the prevalence of...

Enhancing glaucoma awareness and management in Nigeria – from grass roots to national policy development

This is the second in a series (see Part 1 here) of three articles about strengthening eye health services in Nigeria through collaboration with the LINKS and Networks run at the International Centre for Eye Health, LSHTM. This article highlights...

Spotlight: The Community Eye Health Journal

In many low-income settings, where vision loss is greatest, eyecare is hampered by shortages in trained health workers. In sub-Saharan Africa, there are fewer than five ophthalmologists per million population, compared to over 70 per million in high-income countries. Eyecare...

Nano-ophthalmology paves a new path in the future of eyecare

Introduction The treatments of ocular conditions in the field of ophthalmology varies from topical to surgical procedures. The field of nanotechnology is one of the fast-growing fields of medicine, which plays an important role in turning the impossibilities of the...

Myopia management

With the growing prevalence of myopia at epidemic levels in some countries and increasing number of research publications on myopia control, there is a lot of controversy regarding the management of myopia. As none of them are at present available...

A personal reflection: working at the International Centre for Eye Health from 2006–2024

I feel incredibly fortunate to have been working part-time at the International Centre for Eye Health (ICEH) [1] since 2006. Earlier in my career, the responsibilities of work and a growing family made this merely an aspiration, and apart from...

Increasing access to eye care through community outreach clinics in Uganda

There has been a VISION 2020 LINK between Mulago Hospital and Makerere University in Kampala, Uganda and the Royal Free Hospital, London, since 2010. There have been regular training visits between teams from the eye departments at Mulago and the...

Retinal prosthetics: science fiction or a vision for the future?

“Is it a fact – or have I dreamt it – that, by means of electricity, the world of matter has become a great nerve, vibrating thousands of miles in a breathless point of time?” – Nathaniel Hawthorne, The House...

Medical and eye health teams defy odds to deliver treatments for trachoma in Ethiopia, but millions worldwide risk return of disease amid UK aid cuts

Ophthalmologists, nurses, and eye health workers in Ethiopia defied the odds to treat millions with trachoma-fighting antibiotics and surgeries - despite cuts to UK Aid assistance threatening eye care. This World Neglected Tropical Diseases Day Orbis, the international eye care...

Guildford Rotary Eye Project

Guildford Rotary Eye Project (GREP) was conceived and implemented during the last 15 years with the sole aim to motivate and empower host Rotary clubs in India and Africa to resolve their problems with their own money. International partners in...