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Report: UKISCRS 2023

An Eye News exclusive report of The 47th Annual Congress of the United Kingdom & Ireland Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgeons.

An interview with Professor John Forrester

What made you choose ophthalmology as a career and how did your interest in academia develop? During Medical School at Glasgow University, I was getting progressively disillusioned with the career options while my colleagues and friends all seemed to quickly...

Part 2: Good news, bad news at the international conference

In the second instalment of this two-part article (click here for Part 1), our editor Peter Cackett presents the ‘good news’ and ‘bad news’ from an international conference experience. Readers will remember that in the last issue I left you...

The challenges of rural optometry and how independent prescribing has helped

Why move from a busy professional independent Aberdeen optometry practice over 200 miles to one of the most remote places in the United Kingdom? I could talk about the professional challenge of supporting a rural community, or the chance to...

Do we really need the College to be Royal?

It is taken for granted in this country that all the best medical colleges are Royal. That they have the royal seal of approval from on high and therefore must be the best. I have been somewhat confused for a...

The vitreoretinal priesthood

When I first started doing cataract lists, the consultant at the time, a Mr Brown from Carmarthen, used to say that phacoemulsification was more akin to flying a jet fighter for short dangerous bombing runs than a boring long haul...

Training the trainers

Learning phakoemulsification is a psychologically demanding process. Every ophthalmologist passing through the UK training system will almost certainly have many stories to tell of difficulties faced along the way; hideous disasters where lessons were learnt, as well as glorious triumphs...

Les Misérables

I recently had the signal pleasure of undergoing Part 2 of the FRCOphth exit exam and could not help but wonder at how examiners could on the whole be easily categorised into certain subtypes which readers may find fascinating. This...

Landmark review of glaucoma treatment and research published by Moorfields-led team

Four world-leading experts, including Hari Jayaram and Gus Gazzard from Moorfields, have combined their knowledge with the findings from over 150 peer-reviewed study publications to produce a landmark paper published in the Lancet.

I WILL. An extraordinary challenge for Glaucoma UK’s 50th anniversary

As we celebrate our 50th anniversary year, we are reaching out to our glaucoma community, inviting everyone to join us in the fight against glaucoma so we won’t need to exist as a charity in 50 years’ time. Since the...

Step-by-step guide to mastering skills with the Goldmann applanation tonometer

Ophthalmology is a highly specialised field that requires proficiency in various diagnostic skills for numerous conditions. Entrants into ophthalmology at ST1 often possess minimal to no ophthalmic experience beyond what they learned in medical school. Consequently, they may face significant...

Making sense of the orthoptic assessment

Following the Specialty Trainee article on this topic in the February/March 2020 issue, Joe Smith provides a more detailed breakdown of the orthoptic report. Orthoptists investigate, diagnose and manage a wide variety of patients with varying problems. In this article,...