You searched for "patient"

3255 results found

Sustainable prevention of blindness from diabetic retinopathy through prevention and control of diabetes mellitus – LINK partnership experience in Dominica

The Caribbean Diabetic Retinopathy Project (DR Caribbean) is a five-year project that aims to reduce blindness due to diabetic retinopathy (DR) across four Commonwealth countries: Belize, Dominica, Jamaica and St Lucia. The VISION 2020 LINKS Programme at the London School...

Capacity building for ophthalmic nursing in Ghana, Botswana and Tanzania

Ophthalmic nurses (ON) have been the backbone of eye health services in Africa since the mid-20th century and remain the largest single cadre of allied ophthalmic personnel in Commonwealth countries in Africa. Numbers are currently estimated at between 3500 and...

Third nerve palsy following cataract surgery with sub-Tenon’s anaesthesia

Figure 1: Photograph showing partial ptosis of the right eye two months after surgery (photo by R McLeod). An 83-year-old lady had routine right eye cataract surgery under uncomplicated sub-Tenon’s anaesthesia. She presented two weeks later, explaining that following the...

The orthoptic report – what does it all mean?

An orthoptist report may well look like a piece of Japanese Shodo, however, it does in fact contain some extremely useful information. This piece will briefly explain some of the common brush strokes seen on a report. There is some...

Mask management: Dry eyes and misty glasses

To mark National Eye Health Week (21-27 September), The College of Optometrists has issued advice on how to wear a mask, maintain healthy eyes and see clearly.

What's trending Dec/Jan 2019

On the first day of Christmas, my true love gave to me…A #RyderCup globe injury An unfortunate spectator was hit in the eye by a wayward golf ball during the Ryder Cup, and suffered, as she called it, “a fracture...

AOP delivers world class education at record breaking 100% Optical

The AOP provided over 120 hours of CPD accredited sessions to thousands of delegates from 24 to 26 February.

Building leaders for eye care in Africa: the COECSA-RCOphth VISION 2020 LINK

The VISION 2020 LINK [1] between the College of Ophthalmology of Eastern, Central and Southern Africa (COECSA) and the Royal College of Ophthalmologists (RCOphth) has been building leaders of eye care in Africa since 2008, when a Memorandum of Understanding...

Stem cell transplantation and pterygium surgery

Pterygium is a benign, fibrovascular overgrowth of bulbar conjunctiva extending onto the cornea and has been associated with ultraviolet (UV) light exposure. The prevalence of pterygium worldwide varies between geographical zones but has been reported to range between three and...

Part 3: The Arclight Project: Implementation workshops

In this three-part series (Click here for Part 1 and Part 2) Andrew Blaikie and his team explore the role and application of the Arclight Device in Imaging of the Eye. The Arclight Project aims to support and enhance the...

Oct/Nov 2014 Quiz

History 12-year-old cattle herder in Bangladesh. Loss of vision right eye – over 2/12 to no perception of light (NPL). B-scan showed choroidal thickening. Suspected to be choroidal ‘tumour’. Enucleated. Figure 1. Figure 2. Figure 3. Figure 4. Figure 5....

The blue-light hazard – is it true?

Simerdip Kaur takes a look at the latest ophthalmology-related news stories and asks which are based on facts and which are ‘fake news’. Headline: The blue-light hazard – is it true? Blue light is part of the visible optical spectrum...