You searched for "blink"

3940 results found

Effect of alcohol dependency on visual function

The purpose of this study was to evaluate visual function, attention and psychological profiles in consumer and abstainer alcohol dependency syndrome (ADS) patients in a Portuguese population. The study was a quantitative, descriptive, cross-sectional and correlational study over a one-year...

DIGIROP efficacy for detecting treatment-requiring retinopathy of prematurity (TR-ROP)

This article examines the efficacy of using the DIGIROP online prediction model in estimating the risk of retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) requiring treatment in two Portuguese hospitals. Portuguese screening criteria for ROP mirrors that of the UK (<32 weeks gestation...

Associations with ocular surface disease in high school children

The authors aimed to determine the prevalence of ocular surface symptoms in a high school population and to evaluate its association with contact lens wear and other factors. The study had a population of 3240 students. This was a cross-sectional...

Treatment and outcomes for Peters anomaly (PA)

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the experience of patients with Peters anomaly (PA) and their treatment results. The study reviewed records of 27 patients (32 eyes); 74% male. Treatment included medical follow-up, optical iridectomy and penetrating keratoplasty...

Use of YouTube videos in providing amblyopia treatment information

This study aimed to evaluate the usefulness of YouTube videos on the treatment of amblyopia, where parent education is important for treatment compliance and success. A YouTube search was made in March 2020 for amblyopia treatment yielding 534 videos. They...

Germline mutation risk in solitary unilateral retinoblastoma

This study aimed to determine the true risk for germline mutation in a child presenting with solitary unilateral RB and whether this risk differs by age at presentation. This was a retrospective review of 482 cases from 1972-2020. Age groups...

Comparison of treatment regimes for APROP

The authors evaluated the risk factors and treatment outcomes of various treatment options for APROP including intra-vitreal anti-VEGF injections, laser treatment and a combination of both. This was an observational study of all consecutive cases of untreated APROP from 2018-19...

Screening outcomes for Syrian refugee children

This study compared two commonly used photoscreeners in a Syrian refugee camp in Jordan to better understand what types of technology would function best in a low-resource setting. The children in this study were assessed with the PEEK acuity application...

Does pregnancy cause progression of keratoconus in previously cross-linked corneas?

This is a prospective study involving 24 eyes of 19 patients with stabilised or regressed keratoconus after a successful accelerated cross linking (A-CXL) treatment. Patients were recruited at a routine follow-up visit in the first month of their pregnancy. The...

AACE associated with excessive smartphone use

The purpose of this study was to describe a series of cases of acute acquired comitant strabismus (AACE) in children attending online classes on smartphones during the pandemic. Eight children were included with a mean age of 12.5 ±4.2 years....

OCT findings after strabismus surgery for macular, choroidal and nerve fibre thickness

This study used OCT to investigate the changes in the central macular thickness, subfoveal choroidal thickness (SFCT) and retinal nerve fibre layer (RNFL) after horizontal rectus surgery for patients with strabismus. This was a retrospective study and patients were grouped...

Corneal dellen following strabismus surgery

This study aimed to evaluate the frequency of corneal dellen (CD) development, the healing process and associated factors that affect the development and healing of CD formation after strabismus surgery. This study retrospectively reviewed 1264 eyes of 714 patients from...