You searched for "periocular"
Binocular single vision (BSV)
3 April 2023
| Ali Yagan
EYE - General
Introduction In this article I will try to summarise some of the definitions, tests and assessments performed in the strabismus clinic to assess patient binocular potential. This is a key feature of strabismus assessment, especially in adults, and it will...
Paediatric emergency presentations in an urban centre
1 February 2022
| Fiona Rowe (Prof)
Paediatric Ophthalmology / Strabismus
The authors aimed to evaluate aetiologies in paediatric patients presenting to the Wills Eye Emergency department (USA) with particular emphasis on trauma. This was a retrospective review of one-year hospital data; 1136 paediatric patients, 57.4% male, 50.7% white, 36.8% black,...
Andrew Symons appointed as adviser to the ABDO Board
The Association of British Dispensing Opticians (ABDO) has announced the appointment of Andrew Symons FBDO CL FBCLA as an adviser to the ABDO Board.Environmental variations in endophthalmitis
3 August 2023
| Kurt Spiteri Cornish
Retina / Uvea / Vitreous
Endophthalmitis, anti-VEGF, climate, intravitreal injection, season
In this retrospective cohort study, the authors looked at seasonal and environmental variations in 171 endophthalmitis cases out of 423,297 intravitreal injections. The incidence of this complication was not correlated to monthly snowfall, rainfall, or average temperature. There was no...
Retinal changes prior to hydroxychloroquine toxicity
1 October 2021
| Ed Rule
Retina / Uvea / Vitreous
Ganglion cell layer, Hydroxychloroquine, Optical coherence tomography, Retina, Retinal thickness
In this retrospective longitudinal study, the authors examined changes in retinal layer thickness in patients taking hydroxychloroquine without evidence of retinopathy. Patients were drawn from a hydroxychloroquine screening clinic and required at least two OCT scans, at least one year...
Clinical tutor enjoys rewarding nature of volunteering
Bradford University Clinical Tutor, Benji Chandra, celebrates five years of supporting the needs of homeless people this summer.Winner announced for the Silmo IOA International Optician of the Year Award
5 October 2023
IOA, Jean-François Porte, Silmo, Competition, Opticians, Donald Crichton, SILMO 2024
The International Opticians Association (IOA) has announced the winner of the Silmo IOA International Optician of the Year Award. This innovative award recognises the importance of the optician in the optical business and their role in the choice of optimum products for their clientele.
Marcus Gunn jaw winking without ptosis
This is a review of 72 cases of Marcus-Gunn jaw winking syndrome. The authors reviewed all their congenital ptoses seen over a 16 year period and found 72 Marcus-Gunn cases of out of a total of 848 patients. Within the...Use of RAPDx device with optic nerve disease
1 August 2016
| Claire Howard
Detection rate, optic nerve disease, relative afferent pupillary defect, standard values
The authors have previously reported on use of the RAPDx device for evaluating relative afferent pupillary defects (RAPD). RAPDx objectively determines the magnitude of RAPD by presenting light stimuli alternately to pairs of eyes with laterality. The parameters of amplitude...
Repeated orbital decompression surgery
This is a retrospective review of nine redo orbital decompressions in six patients. All operations were performed for dysthyroid optic neuropathy, both initially and when repeated. The interval between first and redo decompressions varied from one to 15 years and...Systemic rituximab immunotherapy in the management of primary ocular adnexal lymphoma single institutional experience
1 October 2015
| Jonathan CP Roos
Oculoplastics, Orbit
Extranodal marginal zone lymphoma, Rituximab, immunotherapy, lymphoma, ocular adnexa
Ocular adnexal lymphomas constitute 2% of all non-Hodgkin’s disease and 5-15% of all extranodal lymphomas and are usually localised, low-grade and of B-cell origin. This opens them up to potential treatment with a systemic monoclonal antibody-based drug (rituximab) directed at...
Nonarteritic anterior ischaemic optic neuropathy
1 April 2015
| Nana Theodorou
This review article describes nonarteritic anterior ischaemic optic neuropathy (NAION). This condition is one of the common causes of visual loss in adults. The article uses a good range of references and is divided under the headings of; demographics, clinical...