You searched for "posterior"

863 results found

Friendly felines and a spot diagnosis

A nine-year-old girl presented to me in eye casualty with a three-week history of blurred vision in her left eye. Otherwise she was apparently well, with no past ophthalmic, medical, drug or relevant family history. Visual acuity was 6/4 right...

Herpes zoster ophthalmicus: the essentials

Herpes zoster, also referred to as shingles, is a common infection most typically caused by the reactivation of varicella zoster virus that lies dormant (sometime for decades) in the dorsal root nerve ganglion following primary chickenpox infection [1]. In 10-20%...

Internuclear ophthalmoplegia: a case study

A 44-year-old patient presents with binocular, mostly horizontal diplopia when fixating on moving objects. This has been ongoing for approximately five years. He is known to have multiple sclerosis and had an episode of optic neuritis six years prior in...

21st Century retinal laser treatment in the anti-VEGF era

In today’s world, macular laser treatment has a vital role in the treatment of diabetic macular oedema (DMO). DMO is one of the most common causes of visual impairment. Despite expensive intravitreal treatment courses of anti-VEGF, many will agree that...

Imaging without a slit-lamp, more Google Glass news and strabismus humour

Pinterest Many of you will know about this site that organises collections of mostly graphical information. It’s used heavily for fashion, recipes and cupcakes. Well, it seems it has also become quite a useful resource for ophthalmology, optometry and related...

Photophobia: an unusual symptom of a pituitary macroadenoma

Introduction Photophobia, defined as ‘an abnormal intolerance to light’, is commonly associated with a range of both ocular and neurological pathologies such as dry eye, blepharospasm, corneal pathologies, cataracts, uveitis, retinal dystrophies, optic neuritis, migraine, meningitis, and traumatic brain injury...

Orthoptist takes office as Master of The Worshipful Company of Spectacle Makers

In what she called “a giant leap for orthoptists”, Liz Shilling (known professionally as Liz Tomlin), was installed this week as Master of The Worshipful Company of Spectacle Makers, the first orthoptist ever to serve as Master in the Company’s almost 400 year-old history.

Glaucoma UK ‘Excellence in Glaucoma Care Award 2024’ Winner Announcement

PhD student at Glasgow Caledonian University wins the Glaucoma UK ‘Excellence in Glaucoma Care Award 2024’.

Neonatal hypoxic ischaemic encephalopathy with imaging abnormalities in the occipital lobe – how to counsel the parents

Case A baby boy, with a background of intrauterine growth restriction, was born at 37 weeks and three days gestation via forceps delivery. The baby was born in poor condition, with low heart rate, poor respiratory rate, poor colour and...

Chemical injury

You are the on-call ophthalmologist. You receive a call from A&E regarding a 45-year-old man who sustained a chemical injury. He was mixing some cement, when a small amount entered his left eye. He was not wearing any protective goggles....

Microcatheter in the vertebral artery as a cause of branched retinal artery occlusion?

A 19-year-old male presented to eye casualty with a seven-day history of a ‘blurred patch’ in the left eye. The patient denied any other visual symptoms including flashes or floaters and there had been no change in visual symptoms in...

Fusarium keratitis in a patient with alcohol dependence

Treatment of fungal keratitis secondary to the Fusarium species remains a challenge. Although relatively more common in warmer climates, this corneal infection is rare in the UK. Most cases have been reported in farmers and are often preceded by trauma....