You searched for "blink"

3940 results found

Intravitreal dexamethasone implant for diabetic macular oedema

The authors report on the three-year outcomes of the Ozurdex Dexamethasone (DEX) intravitreal implant multi-centre trial for the treatment of diabetic macular oedema (DME). Patients with DME (best-corrected vision of 20/50 to 20/200 and central retinal thickness of ≥300µm) were...

Timing of vitrectomy for retained lens fragments

The purpose of this study was to compare the results of same setting vitrectomy with delayed vitrectomy for retained lens fragments following cataract surgery. Same setting vitrectomy was defined as the patient not leaving the operating table following cataract surgery....

Prognostic information for PRP-naive patients

The Diabetic Retinopathy Study group demonstrated that pan retinal laser photocoagulation (PRP) reduces severe vision loss by up to 50% in cases of proliferative diabetic retinopathy (PDR). The authors of this current study aimed to provide information for laser naive...

Outcomes of cataract surgery in patients with uveitis

This is a systematic, evidence-based literature review and meta-analysis, looking at the visual outcomes (vision 20/40 or better) of cataract surgery in uveitic eyes. The authors searched MEDLINE, EMBASE, CINHAL and CENTRAL, including English language and human studies only. They...

Do topical steroids improve visual outcome in the treatment of bacterial keratitis?

The use of topical corticosteroids as an adjunctive treatment to antibiotics in the management of bacterial keratitis remains a controversial issue. The results of the Steroids for Corneal Ulcers Trial (SCUT) – a randomised, double-masked, placebo-controlled trial that recruited patients...

Squamous metaplasia of conjunctival epithelial cells with soft contact lens wear versus non-lens wearers

Conjunctiva is composed of non-squamous epithelial cells interspersed with goblet cells, which is a secretory epithelium. Squamous metaplasia is a transformation to non-secretory epithelium, ‘keratinised’ and enlargement of the conjunctival non-goblet cells and relatively shrunken nuclei are seen on impression...

Accelerated (9mW/cm2) corneal collagen cross-linking for keratoconus

This is one of many studies published / to be published on corneal collagen cross-linking that has a treatment time of 10 minutes compared to the previous Dresden protocol of 30 minutes to halt progression of keratoconus. Much has changed...

Retinal blood flow changes in glaucoma

This study examined the changes in retinal blood flow and vessel diameter after IOP reduction in high- and low-pressure glaucoma; exfoliation glaucoma (ExG) and normal-tension glaucoma (NTG). Glaucoma progression is seen at times in eyes despite IOP reduction and changes...

Are single IOP measurements adequate for estimating the effect of IOP lowering interventions?

The World Glaucoma Association recommends that, to assess the effect on intraocular pressure (IOP) of medication or surgery, the mean of multiple measurements of postoperative IOP is a better reflection of IOP than a single measurement of postoperative IOP. The...

An educational intervention to improve adherence to high-dosage patching regimen for amblyopia

This is a randomised trial of patients recruited between the periods of March 2006 and March 2008 from ophthalmology clinics in the Leicestershire area. A total of 62 children with newly diagnosed amblyopia were allocated randomly into two treatment arms...

Comparison of ganglion cell thinning in glaucoma vs. macular hole repair

This prospective study compared the changes in the photopic negative response of the focal macular electroretinogram (fmERG) caused by retinal ganglion cell complex (GCC) thinning at the macula between patients with open angle glaucoma (OAG) and 12 months after successful...

Inhibiting high-risk corneal allografts

The cornea is an immune privileged site and as such corneal transplants are very successful. However, in situations where this privilege is lost the failure rises substantially. To combat rejection inhibition of the immune responses depends on steroids and other...