You searched for "blink"

3940 results found

Profile of a tertiary referral oculoplastics service in the UK

The provision of safe and effective ophthalmic care to large patient populations has always been challenging. Severe restrictions of outpatient clinical activity due to the COVID-19 crisis has compounded this problem, with 26,800 appointments cancelled in our unit in the...

New YouGov data reveals that 2/3 British adults support greater use of independent health providers to cut waiting times

New YouGov data reveals that two-thirds of British adults support greater use of independent health providers to cut waiting times amid cross-party calls for NHS reform.

Quiz Jun/Jul 2024

History A one-year-old girl originally presented with a red eye, initially bilaterally and later in the left only. On examination a membrane was found on the tarsal conjunctiva of the upper eyelid (Figure 1). Figure 1: Anterior segment. Serum plasminogen...

The last three patients: dermatology (Patient Three)

For the third and final reflection in this series (see Part 1 and Part 2), Professor Jonathan Rees recounts his experience of a patient with cancer who was failed by the NHS, and how their inadequate treatment illuminates some issues...

Typical and atypical optic neuritis – diagnosis and initial management

Optic neuritis is a relatively common presentation to ophthalmologists in the acute setting. The vast majority are cases of ‘typical’ optic neuritis (ON) but a smaller group of conditions, so-called, ‘atypical’ optic neuritides require a different work-up and management strategy....

My top five ways in which LinkedIn can be useful for ophthalmologists

LinkedIn is the world’s largest professional social networking site, that allows over 830 million users from over 200 countries from a variety of industries to connect. As a result, it is a powerful tool used by professionals to network, collaborate,...

My Top Five: Ways in which LinkedIn can be useful for ophthalmologists

LinkedIn is the world’s largest professional social networking site, that allows over 830 million users from over 200 countries from a variety of industries to connect. As a result, it is a powerful tool used by professionals to network, collaborate,...

Sexually transmitted conjunctivitis – the REALLY sticky eye

Let’s face it, patients with conjunctivitis don’t always produce the most stimulating consultations and most of the time we can manage them in auto-pilot. The prospect of delving into such a patient’s sexual history is not overly appealing, but this...

Innovation update: key advances in eyecare transformation in the last year

Vishal Shah and his co-authors reflect on examples of innovation in eyecare delivery published in the last year and the implications for the future of eyecare services. The “new normal” is an overused phrase to describe extraordinary measures that have...

Therapy for limbal stem cell deficiency: cell fate after limbal stem cell transplants

“The beauty of scientific research lies in that the search for answers often yields yet more questions.” A large body of evidence points to the corneoscleral limbal location as the repository of putative epithelial stem cells [1]. Thoft proposed the...

Visual disturbance heralding stroke: are we seeing the signs in time?

Isolated visual symptoms may be an early presenting feature of stroke, and timely recognition of such atypical cases is important because treatment for stroke has a limited time-window of efficacy. Stroke occurs in approximately 150,000 people per year in the...

Harry Moss Traquair: Edinburgh Ophthalmologist and Father Figure of Perimetry

It is a unique honour bestowed upon only a few clinicians, that their name becomes for evermore associated with the subject of their particular expertise and knowledge. Such an individual is undoubtedly Harry Moss Traquair, an Edinburgh-based ophthalmologist, who in...