You searched for "procedures"

4121 results found

Acute dellen formation post trauma

Corneal dellen are saucer-like thinnings, usually of the peripheral cornea [1]. Dellen formation is thought to be related to localised tear film instability [2], specifically the absence of the mucin component of the tear film. Without the mucin layer, dry...

Systemic sarcoidosis presenting with acute myopia and angle closure

Case report A 40-year-old Asian man presented to the Emergency Department with a one day history of sudden onset visual disturbance in his right eye. He complained of image distortion and noted that objects now appeared smaller. He also described...

Chronic dacryocystitis?

Lacrimal drainage system tumours are rare and lymphomas account for less than 10% of these tumours [1]. Most patients presenting with lymphoma infiltration of the lacrimal drainage system have a history of previously diagnosed lymphoma elsewhere. We report a case...

A step-by-step approach to the diagnosis and management of Sands of Sahara Syndrome

Sands of Sahara syndrome (diffuse lamellar keratitis) is a rare postoperative complication of Laser in situ keratomileusis (LASIK). Its estimated prevalence is reported to be 2-4% among LASIK cases [1], despite that, it is more likely to be encountered by...

Lockdown and eye health – a case of accommodative spasm

A 25-year-old male presented to the eye casualty with a one-day history of sudden onset worsening vision. More specifically, he noted his vision was more blurred than usual and this was more exaggerated for near-work than for distance-work. He was...

Microcatheter in the vertebral artery as a cause of branched retinal artery occlusion?

A 19-year-old male presented to eye casualty with a seven-day history of a ‘blurred patch’ in the left eye. The patient denied any other visual symptoms including flashes or floaters and there had been no change in visual symptoms in...

A case of Miller Fisher Syndrome and bilateral asymmetric globe retraction

Miller Fisher syndrome (MFS) is a rare, acquired nerve disease that is considered to be a variant of Guillain-Barré syndrome. It was first recognised by James Collier in 1932 as a clinical triad of ataxia, areflexia and ophthalmoplegia. Later, it...

Can OCT predict Alzheimer’s disease?

Simerdip Kaur takes a look at the latest ophthalmology-related news stories and asks which are based on facts and which are ‘fake news’. Headline: Can OCT predict Alzheimer’s disease? In 1986 Hinton et al. demonstrated evidence of optic nerve degeneration...

Patients use their own blood to treat dry eye symptoms

Simerdip Kaur takes a look at the latest ophthalmology-related news stories and asks which are based on facts and which are ‘fake news’? Headline: Patients use their own blood to treat dry eye symptoms Grossman first described the technique of...

The results of the last survey Oct 2019

Another fascinating response which once more highlights the massive variation in practice. I completely acknowledge that ophthalmology is an art as well as a science and therefore there will be variances in practice and there will not be one ‘right’...

The results of the last survey Dec20

The responses to the first question in this survey demonstrate the need for it and the significant variation in practice we see in even relatively simple management decisions. Patients are seen regularly with occludable drainage angles and listed for YAG...

Fusarium keratitis in a patient with alcohol dependence

Treatment of fungal keratitis secondary to the Fusarium species remains a challenge. Although relatively more common in warmer climates, this corneal infection is rare in the UK. Most cases have been reported in farmers and are often preceded by trauma....