You searched for "blink"

3940 results found

Advances in cataract surgery

This article covers recent clinical findings in mydriasis and anaesthesia for cataract surgery, shared by Sathish Srinivasan and Keith Davey at a surgical meeting in Manchester. Towards dropless cataract surgery Day case cataract surgery is the standard of care in...

OCTA in geographic atrophy

In this article the authors aim to give an overview of the current literature concerning the application of OCT-A in geographic atrophy (GA). GA is a disease characterised by loss of outer retinal layers including photoreceptors, degeneration of the retinal...

Ripasudil after Descemet stripping in Fuch’s endothelial dystrophy

This study prospectively evaluated the use of ripasudil, a rho kinase inhibitor, in patients undergoing Descemet’s stripping only (DSO) without an endothelial graft for Fuch’s endothelial dystrophy (FED). Patients with dense central guttae limited to the central 5mm of the...

Can intravitreal anti-VEGF injections affect corneal nerves?

This was a retrospective case-control study looking at the effect of anti-VEGF injections on corneal nerves (CN). Fifty-seven patients with a history of at least three anti-VEGF injections in one or both eyes and available confocal microscopic imaging were included...

DRIL after macular oedema treatment in BRVO

The authors report the analysis of a single-site, retrospective, cross-sectional study to evaluate the association between disorganisation of the retinal inner layers (DRIL) and visual acuity (VA) after anti-VEGF treatment for macular oedema (MO) due to branch retinal vein occlusion...

How long to air tamponade after DMEK?

This interventional case series looked at the influence of different intraoperative air tamponade times on graft adherence after descemet membrane endothelial keratoplasty (DMEK). A total of 117 eyes with Fuchs endothelial corneal dystrophy (FECD) that underwent DMEK were included. Patients...

Association between neurodegeneration and macular perfusion in the progression of diabetic retinopathy

In this prospective three-year longitudinal study, the authors aimed to explore the relation between retinal neurodegenerative changes and vessel closure (VC) in individuals with non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy (NPDR). The participants included 74 individuals with type 2 diabetes, NPDR, and Early...

Aflibercept treatment in polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy

The authors present a study to evaluate the anatomical and functional efficacy of aflibercept intravitreal (IVT) as a monotherapy in polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy (PCV) in a Caucasian population treated with initial three-monthly aflibercept IVT, followed by a bimonthly regimen for...

A comparative evaluation of a new diffractive trifocal and EDOF IOLs

This study aimed to compare the outcomes of two diffractive trifocal intraocular lenses and one extended depth of focus (EDOF) intraocular lens (IOLs). This was a six month, single centred, prospective, randomised, comparative study in which patients who underwent routine...

Mono vs. multi-therapy in IOP control

This randomised control trial studied newly diagnosed glaucoma patients given mono‐ or multi‐therapy regarding differences in initial intraocular pressure (IOP) reduction, target IOP levels reached and influence of untreated baseline IOP on IOP reduction. Patients newly diagnosed with manifest primary...

Ranibizumab safety in pregnancy

Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) plays a pivotal role during pregnancy, and systemic anti-VEGF administration during this period should thus be avoided. VEGF is expressed in multiple embryonic and foetal tissues during development, with the highest levels found in the...

Microbial keratitis in corneal grafts

The authors report a retrospective case series of 59 episodes of microbial keratitis identified in 41 eyes of 41 patients (39 penetrating keratoplasty (PKPs) and two deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty (DALKs)), from a total of 759 consecutive corneal grafts identified...