You searched for "Commonwealth"
Ophthalmic mentors: Professor Sir Peng Tee Khaw
1 December 2014
| Pen Tee Khaw (Prof, Sir)
EYE - Cataract, EYE - Cornea, EYE - Glaucoma, EYE - Imaging, EYE - Neuro-ophthalmology, EYE - Oculoplastic, EYE - Oncology, EYE - Orbit, EYE - Paediatrics, EYE - Pathology, EYE - Refractive, EYE - Strabismus, EYE - Vitreo-Retinal, EYE - General
In the second of our interviews in this series, Eye News speaks to Professor Sir Peng Tee Khaw, Professor of Glaucoma and Ocular Healing, Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon, Director of the National Institute for Health Research, Biomedical Research Centre at Moorfields...
Rb-NET: a network to save life and preserve vision in children in Africa
1 April 2018
| Pippa Williams, Richard Bowman, Allen Foster (Prof), Ido Didi Fabian, Marcia Zondervan
EYE - Pathology, EYE - Oncology
Responding to need is a key element underpinning the VISION 2020 LINKS Programme [1]. It is embedded in the process through which LINKS are established, with institutions in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) first defining their priority areas of training...
How do you solve the problem of trachoma in Ethiopia?
4 October 2023
| Alemayehu Sisay
EYE - Cornea
Background Trachoma is one of the oldest diseases known to humankind and the leading infectious cause of blindness worldwide. Spread by the bacterium chlamydia trachomatis, it is transmitted through contact with the eyes, eyelids and nose of those infected. The...
Collaborating across the Caribbean to tackle diabetic retinopathy
1 December 2017
| Pippa Williams, Melissa Bailey, Covadonga Bascaran, Marcia Zondervan
EYE - Vitreo-Retinal, EYE - General
The VISION 2020 LINKS Programme has been running since 2004, with a focus on improving the quality and quantity of eye care training in low-income countries [1]. In 2014, the Diabetic Retinopathy Network (DR-NET) was established [2]. This is a...
A three-way partnership between Nigeria, Tanzania and Northern Ireland
1 June 2015
| Rosie Brennan, Sunday Abuh, Barnabas Mshangila, Marcia Zondervan
EYE - Cataract, EYE - Cornea, EYE - Glaucoma, EYE - Imaging, EYE - Neuro-ophthalmology, EYE - Oculoplastic, EYE - Oncology, EYE - Orbit, EYE - Paediatrics, EYE - Pathology, EYE - Refractive, EYE - Strabismus, EYE - Vitreo-Retinal, EYE - General
VISION 2020 LINKS between Western Health and Social Care Trust (WHSCT), Altnagelvin Area Hospital, Northern Ireland with first ECWA Eye Hospital, Kano, Nigeria and now also with Mbeya Referral Hospital (MRH), Tanzania, have been beneficial to all three partners. From...
IN FOCUS - The achievements and lasting effects of VISION 2020
1 April 2020
| Gullapalli N Rao
EYE - General
Blindness is a major public health problem globally. The first estimate of global blindness by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 1972 provided a figure of 10 to 15 million, which was considered an underestimate [1]. In 1999, an extraordinary...
Sustainable prevention of blindness from diabetic retinopathy through prevention and control of diabetes mellitus – LINK partnership experience in Dominica
1 October 2018
| Hazel Shillingford-Ricketts, Covadonga Bascaran, Marcia Zondervan
EYE - Vitreo-Retinal, EYE - General
The Caribbean Diabetic Retinopathy Project (DR Caribbean) is a five-year project that aims to reduce blindness due to diabetic retinopathy (DR) across four Commonwealth countries: Belize, Dominica, Jamaica and St Lucia. The VISION 2020 LINKS Programme at the London School...
1 August 2015
| David Haider
EYE - Cataract, EYE - Cornea, EYE - General, EYE - Glaucoma, EYE - Imaging, EYE - Neuro-ophthalmology, EYE - Oculoplastic, EYE - Oncology, EYE - Orbit, EYE - Paediatrics, EYE - Pathology, EYE - Refractive, EYE - Strabismus, EYE - Vitreo-Retinal
Like many of the topics covered in this column this subject is not ophthalmic specific. Hopefully it is of sufficient interest to be relevant to this audience. Code4Health is a programme from NHS England that was announced in March 2015...
OSA Insights to Market win praise from members
OSA members praised the breadth of optical market insights provided by the Autumn meeting this week as a broad spectrum of suppliers gathered in London, reinforcing the strength of the trade body.Mastering clinical skills in ophthalmology
3 October 2022
| Sammie Mak, Zaria Ali
EYE - General
To young junior doctors, and some senior doctors who may not have had much exposure to ophthalmology, the specialty can seem very foreign. Not only are the conditions and examination findings specific to the eyes, but the skill set required...
Working smarter not harder: How to transform eyecare delivery in the United Kingdom (part 1)
1 December 2021
| Rosalind Harrison
EYE - General
Are we doing enough to meet the current demands on ophthalmic services? In part one of a two-part series (see Part 2 here), Rosalind Harrison takes a look at how efficiency has been improved in eyecare services in the US....
Contrast sensitivity in myopic eyes
3 June 2024
| Kurt Spiteri Cornish
Retina / Uvea / Vitreous
A classification system has been proposed for myopic maculopathy: grade 0 (no myopic retinal lesions), grade 1 (tessellated fundus), grade 2 (diffuse chorioretinal atrophy (CRA)), grade 3 (patchy CRA), and grade 4 (macular atrophy). Tessellated fundus is defined as the...