You searched for "fundoscopy"

217 results found

Choroidal melanoma – breaking bad news

Case report A 55-year-old Caucasian female presented to her general practitioner with a three-month history of headaches and worsening blurred vision in the left eye. On further close questioning, she reported no eye pain, intermittent floaters and flashes of light...

Traumatic ‘toy’ gun injury leading to permanent vision loss

Pseudoxanthoma elasticum (PXE) is a progressive, inherited disorder of connective tissue that affects the skin, cardiovascular system and retina. Ocular manifestations of the disease are related to Bruch’s membrane, a thin elastic tissue layer located between the retinal pigment epithelium...

Friendly felines and a spot diagnosis

A nine-year-old girl presented to me in eye casualty with a three-week history of blurred vision in her left eye. Otherwise she was apparently well, with no past ophthalmic, medical, drug or relevant family history. Visual acuity was 6/4 right...

Gonioscopy: A Video Assisted Skill Transfer Approach

Gonioscopy is a critical part of the eye examination, a challenging technique to learn and although drawings and photographs are helpful, videos that demonstrate the technique and findings are particularly valuable. Interpretation beyond merely identifying whether there is a closed...

CALL TO ACTION: Ophthalmology on Myanmar / Thailand border: do you have any redundant kit?

In 1990, the late Doctor Frank Green, a consultant ophthalmologist in Aberdeen, along with Doctor Phillip Ambler, a GP with ophthalmic training, responded to an invitation to provide ophthalmic care for Karen refugees on the northern and eastern Myanmar borders....

Anterior segment OCT predicts gonioscopic angle closure

This is a prospective observational study of 342 subjects over four years. Sixty-five were controls who had open angles both on gonioscopy and AS-OCT, while 277 had open angles only on gonioscopy but iridotrabecular contact (ITC) on AS-OCT (one to...

A near miss

A 55-year-old gentleman presented with a ‘blurry patch’ to his left eye which he had noticed for the past two months. The visual acuity with correction was 6/5 in the right eye and 6/6 in the left eye on the...

CHEC announces launch of two new treatment centres (1)

New sites in Ilford and Milton Keynes will further extend CHEC’s community-focused endoscopy and ophthalmology services across England.

Quiz Feb/Mar 2020

History A 92-year-old female patient was referred for a three-month history of a left conjunctival growth with ocular irritation. Her past medical history included: hypertension, back pain and osteoarthritis, all of which were controlled by medication. On examination: vision in...

The ophthalmologist’s elbow: a potentially painful point of contact

Three months ago I leant, in the customary manner, on the box of my indirect lens at the slit lamp to examine a patient’s fundus. An acute and severe pain in the tip of my elbow immediately interrupted me. I...

A complicated case of cytomegalovirus viremia: “What would you do doctor?”

Mrs W walked gracefully into my urgent care clinic. It was another busy session and I hoped she did not have anything serious going on which might slow the clinic further. She was an elegant 72-year-old lady who seemed like...

Acute macular neuroretinopathy

Acute macular neuroretinopathy (AMN) is a rare condition that typically affects young women and presents with photopsia and paracentral scotomata [1]. We describe a case of severe acute macular neuroretinopathy, following Covid-19 infection. A 30-year-old woman presented to the urgent...