You searched for "red eye"

61 results found

Conservative management of concomitant strabismus

The aim of management for all patients with strabismus should centre around four goals: to prevent amblyopia, to alleviate symptoms, to restore binocular single vision (BSV) and to improve ocular alignment. The conservative management options available for strabismus include observation,...

In conversation with Imran Rahman (CHEC)

Imran Rahman, CEO and Consultant Ophthalmologist, CHEC, spoke to Chris Henson about tackling the COVID-19 backlog, community-based support for the NHS, and the digitisation of healthcare. Without major intervention, will we ever see an end to the COVID-19-induced NHS backlog,...

Ophthalmic mentors: Professor Carrie MacEwen

Caroline (Carrie) MacEwen is a Consultant Ophthalmologist at Ninewells Hospital and Medical School, Dundee, and Head of the Ophthalmology Department at the University of Dundee (Honorary Professor). She trained in Glasgow, Dundee and London. Carrie took over as President of...

Headaches in ophthalmology (part 2)

Ophthalmologists see a large number of patients with headaches or facial pain in the ophthalmic outpatient clinics or in emergency clinics. Over two articles, I will discuss several causes of headaches, ocular manifestations and proposed management and referral options. It...

How do you solve the problem of trachoma in Ethiopia?

Background Trachoma is one of the oldest diseases known to humankind and the leading infectious cause of blindness worldwide. Spread by the bacterium chlamydia trachomatis, it is transmitted through contact with the eyes, eyelids and nose of those infected. The...

The management of watery eye in an infant with facial dysmorphism

A six-month-old child with facial dysmorphism is brought to the eye clinic with history of watery right eye since birth. How will you manage this child? Causes for watery eye in an infant 1. Overproduction of tears a. Infections b....

What's trending Apr/May 2021

A round-up of the eye-related hot topics that have been trending on social media over the last few weeks. #COVID-19prevention #spectacles Ocular transmission of COVID-19 was discussed from the very beginning of the pandemic [1-3]. Indeed, it was an Ophthalmologist,...

Globes in space: What would happen to our globes on the globe of Mars?

Many films have been made regarding life on alternative planets. With the Mars One mission approaching in 2023, there are high expectations regarding future interplanetary travel. The authors provide an ophthalmology perspective on what could happen to our eyes if...

A trip up north: Eye News Symposium 2020

New accents, friendly smiles and haggis served with my traditional morning breakfast, I knew at this point that I was a long way from the south of England, where this story begins.

Ocular Dirofilariasis: a diagnosis on the rise?

Dirofilaria repens is one of 40 species of Dirofilaria. It is a zoonotic filarial nematode that commonly impacts dogs, however, human infection can occur through affected organs like skin, lung and eyes [1]. Although, there have been case reports of...

Choroidal melanoma – breaking bad news

Case report A 55-year-old Caucasian female presented to her general practitioner with a three-month history of headaches and worsening blurred vision in the left eye. On further close questioning, she reported no eye pain, intermittent floaters and flashes of light...

Herpes zoster ophthalmicus: the essentials

Herpes zoster, also referred to as shingles, is a common infection most typically caused by the reactivation of varicella zoster virus that lies dormant (sometime for decades) in the dorsal root nerve ganglion following primary chickenpox infection [1]. In 10-20%...