You searched for "blink"

3940 results found

“Beware of the pigment”

Using some captivating artwork, Iheukwumere Duru describes key features of pigment dispersion syndrome. Pigmentary dispersion syndrome (PDS) leads to pigmentary glaucoma (PG) in approximately 35-50% of patients with the condition [1]. PG is the leading cause of non-traumatic blindness in...

My ophthalmic elective: focusing on myopia in Taiwan

The authors describe their elective experience and delve further into high myopia, an emerging ophthalmic disease that is increasingly recognised in and outside Asia. The medical school elective programme presents an opportunity for students to conduct learning in their chosen...

Ocular bubbly: a vitreoretinal update on the art of gases

The authors remind us of the revolutionary impact gases have had on retinal surgery. In 1938, Rosengren attempted to improve his retina repair surgical outcomes [1]. He discovered that suturing the retina or pressing externally on the sclera were not...

A missed intraocular telescope – an opportunity to re-focus the evidence

Intraocular telescopes allow magnification of the image so that it would be projected into a larger area of the macula, this makes the central defect caused by dry age-related macular degeneration (AMD) smaller. The most common approach is a Galilean...

Irido-corneal endothelial syndrome: an overview

Irido-corneal endothelial (ICE) syndrome is a rare group of eye related disorders that constitute three different clinical entities: Chandler syndrome (CS), essential / progressive iris atrophy and iris naevus / Cogan-Reese syndrome. ICE syndrome is sporadic in its presentation as...

It’s easy when you know the rules

As I was travelling along a deserted road on a Sunday last month I saw in my peripheral vision a disconcerting flash of light behind me. Much as I tried to convince myself that the flash was due to the...

Your precious submission is awaited

It is one of the great trials of medical life trying to get things published. Where once upon a time a few case reports and being eighth author on a paper or two was more than sufficient to secure a...

Cura Te Ipsum – Physician, Heal Thyself

I wasn’t on call and my bleep went off. I knew without looking that it was the directorate office. Immediately my heart sank, for these calls were always about bad things. They never called to say “well done Gwyn you’re...

Optometrists and ophthalmologists update their joint care vision

The College of Optometrists and The Royal College of Ophthalmologists have published an updated joint vision for the continued collaboration of the two professions, to support the delivery of safe and sustainable eye care services in England.

Orbis teams up with the Alcon Foundation and OMEGA to improve eyecare in Zambia

The Orbis Flying Eye Hospital returns to Zambia for a three-week training project in Lusaka coinciding with World Sight Day on October 12.

Sclerochoroidal calcification masquerading as ocular malignancy

Case 1 A 68-year-old Caucasian gentleman was urgently referred to eye casualty by his optometrist after seeing an unusual incidental finding of protruding lesions from the retina, suspecting choroidal melanoma. He was asymptomatic and this was his first eye test...

Professor Tariq Aslam leaves role of co-editor at Eye News

Professor Tariq Aslam, co-editor of Eye News for nearly a decade, will be stepping down from his role.