You searched for "casualty"

637 results found

Ophthalmology Foundation: a promising new beginning

The world’s leaders in ophthalmology have created the new Ophthalmology Foundation, to make prevention of blindness and maintenance of high quality vision accessible to people of all nations. Board of Directors President David EI Pyott explains their vision for the...

Eye research: where next?

Eye research in the UK is underfunded relative to other areas of medical research and general awareness of sight loss and its prevention remains poor, messages that were reinforced in presentations and discussions during a recent research summit meeting in...

East of Ealing

“And Cain said unto the Lord, my punishment is greater than I can bear. Behold, thou hast driven me out this day from the face of the earth; and from thy face shall I be hid. And Cain went out...

QR codes in posters

Sometimes it is nice to read a poster you see at a conference in more detail at a later date. With a little effort you can easily distribute a PDF version of your poster to interested readers by ‘attaching’ a...

Diagnosis and management of IV cranial nerve palsy

Aetiology: Trochlear nerve palsy can be divided into acute or congenital. Congenital trochlear nerve palsy is usually noted in childhood with development of abnormal head posture. Various pathologies can lead to acute IV nerve palsy, most commonly trauma. Other causes...

Quiz Dec/Jan 2023

History A 35-year-old female presented to the emergency eye clinic with an acutely red, painful, photophobic left eye. She was a contact lens-wearer but denied swimming, showering, or sleeping in her lenses. She resided on a farm and worked as...

Handover of power

Election time comes every five years in the United Kingdom. It is usually a time of excitement and trepidation as people wonder what will change, for whom and over how long, depending on which party might win power. Usually it...

Melanocytoma of the optic disc

Melanocytoma is a heavily pigmented lesion, composed of melanocytes and is a variant of melanocytic naevus. It classically occurs at the optic disc and is usually benign, static and asymptomatic. However, it can occasionally grow and invade the retina or...

Usher syndrome: an overview

Usher syndrome is the most common hereditary condition that affects both vision and hearing. It is an autosomal recessive condition characterised by retinitis pigmentosa (RP) and bilateral sensorineural hearing loss [1,2]. Usher syndrome is the cause of approximately 10% of...

Attending ophthalmology conferences as a foundation trainee: an eye-opener?

The benefits of attending specialty conferences for clinicians are numerous. For example, staying up to date with the latest advancements in the field and integrating these into clinical practice. However, foundation doctors are yet to enter a training pathway and...

A case of retinal cavernous haemangioma – don’t let it slip through the grapevine

We present a case of a seven-year-old male who presented to the emergency eye referral clinic with red eye. He was diagnosed and treated for allergic conjunctivitis, however, on clinic review, wide field retinal imaging was performed (as has been...

Insects, swelling and sight loss: a case of orbital inflammatory syndrome

Despite being the most common cause of painful orbital mass in adults and the third most common orbital disease, orbital inflammatory syndrome still proves to be a difficult ocular condition to diagnose, treat, and manage. A 41-year-old lady presented to...