You searched for "modelling"

823 results found

The approach to angle-closure glaucoma

Further to my last article in Eye News (print issue) describing the diagnostic approaches to various clinical scenarios in glaucoma, the approach to angle-closure glaucoma (ACG), a situation terrifying for patient and registrar alike, will be discussed. Please refer to...

Trainee personality types

Over the past two years I have attended quite a number of medical educational seminars and ‘workshops’ and have been a bit shocked at how out of kilter with reality the world of education seems to be now. It seems...

The past and the future for paediatric ophthalmology

The past 25 years have seen remarkable advances in clinical eye care for children in the UK. This has led to both improved outcomes and better patient and family experiences. There have been substantial changes to patient pathways, major advances...

Rainspotting. Choose your future. Choose Pete’s Hidden Curriculum Part 2.

See Pete's Hidden Curriculum Part 1 here Interviewer: “Mr Murphy, what attracts you to the leisure industry?”Spud: “In a word: pleasure. It’s like pleasure in other people’s leisure.”Interviewer: “Do you see yourself as having any weaknesses?”Spud: Shakes head, then: “Oh,...

In conversation with Charles Leclercq (ARxVision)

Julian Jackson (Founder and Director, VisionBridge) spoke to Charles Leclercq (CEO, ARx) about the ARxVision, a wearable device that captures the world around us through audio and artificial intelligence to empower blind and low-vision individuals. You can read the Eye...

Ambitions for sustainable service recovery amidst an escalating post-COVID backlog

Rod McNeil reviews plans, activity and solutions to better address the post-COVID backlog and bolster sustainable service recovery. Ophthalmology was the busiest outpatient specialty during the three years to March 2020 across the English NHS and again recorded the highest...

Management of proliferative diabetic retinopathy

Diabetic retinopathy is a major cause of blindness in the working-age population. Due to the worsening global epidemic of diabetes, the incidence of morbidity caused by the disease is set to increase [1]. The prevalence of diabetes in the UK...

The Worshipful Company Of Spectacle Makers closes 2023 with 9 new liverymen and 1 new court assistant

The Worshipful Company of Spectacle Makers brought a successful 2023 to a close with the admission of 9 new Liverymen at its December Court Lunch.

Presentation feedback tools

The topic of this issue stems from a desire to find the best free-to-use tool for collecting feedback after a presentation. It is a common requirement for clinicians to collect audience feedback after a teaching session. This feedback contributes toward...

Stephan Termote

My work currently still centres on veterinary ophthalmology although not full time, having run a small independent referral service for over two decades. I am grateful to my parents for sending us to Saturday art classes, walking us through “boring”...

Andy Hill (NuVision Biotherapies) discusses recent AOP update to clinical guidelines

There are currently 600,000 people on the NHS waiting list for ophthalmology treatment, and over 5 million people in the UK currently live with dry eye disease. Here Andy Hill, CEO at NuVision Biotherapies Ltd, discusses a recent update to clinical guidelines and what this means for optometrists, patients, and taxpayers.

SCONe Project seeks participants for patient and public involvement group to revolutionise AMD research

The SCONe project, run by optometrists, ophthalmologists, and researchers from the University of Edinburgh, and funded by Sight Scotland, is appealing for participants to take part in a Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) group focused on revolutionising the detection and management of Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD).