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569 results found

Ophthalmology survey results June/July 2019

Firstly may I thank all of you who took the time to answer the survey. I hope you will agree that the findings are very interesting. From a medicolegal perspective we always consider the Bolam test which can be summarised...

The results of the last survey Feb21

Once again, I am grateful for the responses and read the results with interest. I am always surprised by the amount of practice variation I see. I fully accept there is art in what we do and there is no...

The results of the last survey Jun21

Thank you so much again for participating in the survey. I have been asked to give several talks at regional teaching sessions about some of the issues I discuss in these articles and I am happy to continue to do...

The results of the last survey Dec21

Consent is a hot topic at the moment and the publication of the GMC Guidance on Consent [1] has rightfully refocussed our attention on it. Consent practices vary wildly and have been the subject of many of these surveys. Once...

Friendly felines and a spot diagnosis

A nine-year-old girl presented to me in eye casualty with a three-week history of blurred vision in her left eye. Otherwise she was apparently well, with no past ophthalmic, medical, drug or relevant family history. Visual acuity was 6/4 right...

Preventing refractive surprises by real time biometry during cataract surgery

A few months ago a retired lady presented for second eye cataract surgery. I noted on the pre-op ward round that the outcome of her first eye’s surgery looked like a refractive surprise as her spherical equivalent in that eye...

Managing a dislocated intraocular lens

A 70-year-old male patient is referred from the optician with a history of onset of double vision and examination shows a dislocated / subluxated IOL. How will you manage this patient? If the double vision is causing serious concern to...

Managing cataract surgery in a patient with diabetic maculopathy

A 56-year-old type 2 diabetic with previously treated bilateral diabetic maculopathy develops a cataract requiring surgery in the right eye. He has had grid laser previously, followed intermittently by intravitreal triamcinalone, Avastin and more recently Lucentis in both eyes. His...

Macular imagery: observing the visual sensations pre- and post-Jetrea injections

A 63-year-old woman, a professional painter, was diagnosed with vitreomacular traction (VMT) in 2017. She had a history of metamorphopsia, drop in visual acuity (VA) in the left eye (6/6 in the RE; 6/18 in the LE), foveal vitreomacular traction...

CALL TO ACTION: Ophthalmology on Myanmar / Thailand border: do you have any redundant kit?

In 1990, the late Doctor Frank Green, a consultant ophthalmologist in Aberdeen, along with Doctor Phillip Ambler, a GP with ophthalmic training, responded to an invitation to provide ophthalmic care for Karen refugees on the northern and eastern Myanmar borders....

The first on-call

You’ve made into ophthalmic specialist training and before you know it, it’s your first on-call shift. You are expected to provide the specialist on-call service out of hours and there is a new wave of responsibility, with, let’s be honest,...

Return to Lviv

The ‘Return to Lviv’ trip saw Wesley McLoughlin and Doireann Hughes journey for 10 days over more than 4000 miles, via land, air and sea to deliver ophthalmic aid to Ukraine.