You searched for "choroid"

737 results found

Contemporary glaucoma therapy: spoilt for choice

The goal of glaucoma management is to prevent visual loss and disease progression in the patient’s lifetime through effective lowering of intraocular pressure (IOP), the primary modifiable risk factor in glaucoma. Sustained and consistent IOP reduction is key to halting...

Visual disturbance heralding stroke: are we seeing the signs in time?

Isolated visual symptoms may be an early presenting feature of stroke, and timely recognition of such atypical cases is important because treatment for stroke has a limited time-window of efficacy. Stroke occurs in approximately 150,000 people per year in the...

In conversation with Professor Bernie Chang, President, Royal College of Ophthalmologists

Congratulations on your appointment as RCOphth President in May last year. COVID-19 hit just before your presidency started. This must have been an incredibly challenging time to take the reins. How has the College risen to the challenges? Thank you....

The clues of the eye – what is medical ophthalmology?

The author looks at the increasingly significant role of medical ophthalmologists and the importance of integrative healthcare. The eye is a remarkable organ, and for decades we have been discovering intimations of pathology existing elsewhere in the body [1] simply...

Broadening horizons in ophthalmology: crafting a varied elective experience

The elective period for medical students is a unique opportunity to immerse oneself in a field of interest. For students interested in ophthalmology, this can offer a dedicated experience for what can otherwise be quite limited through undergraduate rotations. Alongside...

A closed angle seldom comes alone

Case report An 89-year-old lady with dementia was referred to me out of hours by her GP with a few days history of an angry looking left eye for suspected elevated intraocular pressure (IOP). I discovered that this lady first...

The role of inflammation in the pathophysiology of DMO

Diabetic macular oedema (DMO) is a major cause of visual loss in diabetes, with a complex multifactorial pathogenesis. In the UK alone it is estimated that there are nearly 2.5 million diabetic patients aged over 12 years. Approximately 65,000 of...

New Treatments in Noninfectious Uveitis

As a specialist registrar training in Aberdeen there were two important lessons I learned which have proved to be invaluable over the years for two very different reasons. The first lesson learned was to never underestimate the wind chill factor...

Management of diabetic macular oedema (DMO)

The authors present guidelines on current diagnostic and therapeutic procedures in the management of DMO. Fluorescein angiography (FA) and optical coherence tomography (OCT) are recommended before starting treatment to help diagnose and stage DMO, and can be repeated if there...

What’s trending? Oct/Nov 2017

#NHSwaitingtimes, #NHSprivatisation, #NHSpostcodelottery The NHS in crisis seems ever topical, but this time, the focus is on long waiting times “driving people to turn to private treatment” [1], with hips, knees and eyes cited as common reasons for doing so....

Making sense of the orthoptic assessment

Following the Specialty Trainee article on this topic in the February/March 2020 issue, Joe Smith provides a more detailed breakdown of the orthoptic report. Orthoptists investigate, diagnose and manage a wide variety of patients with varying problems. In this article,...

Refractionist’s shoulder?

After hearing the letter-box, I walked to the front door and stooped down to collect my latest edition of Eye News. I winced. Still, at least it would give me something to pass the time on this, my first day...