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100 results found

“Robot performs cataract surgery on patient!”

Simerdip Kaur takes a look at the latest ophthalmology-related news stories and asks which are scientific reality and which are ‘fake news’. Headline: “Robot performs cataract surgery on patient!” Twenty-five years ago when Eye News launched, a news headline such...

Virtual reality for the ophthalmic trainee

If you believe the tech blogs 2015 is the year of virtual reality. Industry experts believe this will be due to the potential commercial release of the poster boy of this new revolution, the Oculus Rift. This is a headset...

Interview with Clinical Director of OpenEyes

Professor James Morgan is an Ophthalmic Consultant at Cardiff Hospital and also the clinical director of the OpenEyes programme. Given the national push for electronic records we felt hearing directly from James would be of interest. The interview was conducted...

What’s next in retinal imaging? Faster, deeper and full-on

Fast-evolving technological leaps are opening the way toward clinically useful ocular coherence angiography, generating 3-dimensional microvasculature maps without intravenous dye injection, as well as whole-eye imaging, handheld patient-operated optical coherence tomography (OCT) devices and, for challenging vitreoretinal procedures, integrated intraoperative...

Myopia management

With the growing prevalence of myopia at epidemic levels in some countries and increasing number of research publications on myopia control, there is a lot of controversy regarding the management of myopia. As none of them are at present available...

The TOPCON / OIA Imaging Competition and a brief history of ophthalmic photography

We hope you like and appreciate the image forming the cover of the June/July 2021 edition of Eye News. The Ophthalmic Imaging Association (OIA) was honoured to have been invited to submit a series of images from the winners of...

Meeting the needs of older patients in optics

Fiona Anderson discusses the important role of community-based eyecare practitioners in meeting the visual needs of ageing patients. It has been well documented that today we live for longer. Statistics show in 1997, around one in every six people (15.9%)...

Headset perimetry

Visual field analysers are traditionally large table mounted devices, designed specifically for field capture and analysis. Over the last year or so a number of companies have started to disrupt this space with the introduction of headset-based field analysers, mostly...

Ophtherminator 3 - Rise of the Machines

“Bring back life form, priority one, all other priorities are rescinded.” Film buffs will spot this as a chilling quote spoken by Ash (Ian Holm) from the classic sci-fi horror movie Alien (1979). Ash (spoiler alert) is a Hyperdyne Systems...

AI & Oculomics: a new section for Eye News

Inaugurating this new regular section on the exciting landscape of AI and oculomics, we provide an overview which delves into the historical context and the etymology of this field, reviews the current state of play and contemplates possibilities and hopes...

Advanced Glaucoma Surgery Course in Africa through the Juba-Bournemouth VISION 2020 LINK

In order to enhance specialist skills, particularly for South Sudan, the Juba-Bournemouth VISION 2020 LINK has been offering week-long intensive ophthalmic specialist training for the last three years, in collaboration with the University of Nairobi, the College of Ophthalmology of...

Blame the lens – not its position – in refractive surprise

Aetiology of postoperative refractive surprise Weber coined the term “wrong eye, wrong intraocular lens, wrong patient” in 2008 as an aide memoir of major factors believed to underlie refractive surprise – defined as a significant unintended difference between dioptric refraction...