You searched for "orbitotomy"
Cornea, 2-Volume Set: Fundamentals, Diagnosis, Management and Surgery of the Cornea and Conjunctiva (4th Edition)
Originally published in 1997 as a comprehensive set of three volumes on cornea and external eye disease, this two volume edition, published at the end of 2016, offers “a complete multimedia resource, in print, online, eBook and video format”. There...Advanced vestibular Schwannoma case report
1 December 2016
| Claire Howard
Cerebellopontine angle tumour, papilloedema, vestibular schwannom
Vestibular Schwannoma is a benign, slow growing tumour which usually presents with unilateral hearing loss. It causes symptoms and findings on ophthalmic examination when the diagnosis is delayed. Ophthalmic findings may be related to the effect of the expanding mass...
Glaucoma surgery in Sturge-Weber syndrome
3 June 2021
| Fiona Rowe (Prof)
Paediatric Ophthalmology / Strabismus
The authors report the largest retrospective study of surgical results of goniotomoy and trabeculectomy for 42 patients (46 eyes) with glaucoma associated with Sturge-Weber syndrome (SWS). There were 18 males and 24 females, and 62 goniotomy procedures (51 goniotomy surgery,...
Factors influencing the outcome of GT and TBT in PCG
1 February 2022
| Jonathan Chan
goniotomy, trabeculotomy, angle surgery, prognostic factors, paediatric glaucoma
This is a retrospective study between 2013 to 2016 of 452 eyes of patients </=12 years with primary congenital glaucoma (PCG), who underwent either goniotomy (GT) (median age: six months, 120 eyes) or trabeculotomy (TBT) (median age: 5.2 months, 332...
Aqueous misdirection: a case series of unexpected surgical complications
3 June 2024
| Annes Ahmeidat, Caroline Cobb
EYE - Glaucoma
Aqueous misdirection (AM), also known as malignant glaucoma, is a form of secondary glaucoma that typically presents with shallowing of the anterior chamber (AC), raised intraocular pressure (IOP), and reduced visual acuity (VA) in the presence of patent peripheral iridotomies...
Use of bovine pericardium for tendon elongation
1 August 2019
| Fiona Rowe (Prof)
Paediatric Ophthalmology / Strabismus
Decompression, Graves’ orbitopathy, dose-effect, eye muscle surgery, tendon elongation of medial rectus muscle
A retrospective analysis was conducted on all patients treated in one centre with tendon elongation using bovine pericardium (BP) to examine outcomes and long-term safety. The study included 60 patients; 27 unilateral and 33 bilateral cases. Follow-up of one to...
Effects of orbital decompression on duction, cyclotorsion and diplopia
This is a retrospective review of 156 patients (281 eyes / orbits) with Graves Orbitopathy (GO) who had orbital decompression (OD) between 2016 and 2020 from Amsterdam, Netherlands. Data analysis of type of OD, eye position, duction, cyclotorsion and level...Thyroid eye disease
Thyroid eye disease (TED) is an autoimmune condition with a spectrum of signs and symptoms, usually associated with Graves’ hyperthyroidism. The diagnosis is based on history and physical examination but there are further investigations that can aid diagnosis if unclear....The results of the last survey Jun24
When I was in my training and even in my early years as a consultant, I did not fully understand the difference between different lenses. When asked my preference of hydrophilic versus hydrophobic intraocular lenses (IOLs) I really did not...Warfarin Induced Suprachoroidal Haemorrhage Presenting as Acute Angle Closure Glaucoma
1 February 2014
| Shampa Gupta, Kashif Ali
Spontaneous suprachoroidal haemorrhage is a rare but recognised entity. Anticoagulant therapy is a well known risk factor. We describe a case of warfarin induced suprachoroidal haemorrhage presenting as acute angle closure glaucoma in a patient with raised International Normalised Ratio...
The approach to angle-closure glaucoma
1 October 2016
| Kaivon Pakzad-Vaezi
EYE - Glaucoma
Further to my last article in Eye News (print issue) describing the diagnostic approaches to various clinical scenarios in glaucoma, the approach to angle-closure glaucoma (ACG), a situation terrifying for patient and registrar alike, will be discussed. Please refer to...