You searched for "quality"

1217 results found

Does bariatric surgery prevent progression of diabetic retinopathy?

The authors report a retrospective observational study of T2DM patients who underwent bariatric surgery between 2009 and 2015. Preoperative and postoperative weight, HbA1c, and annual diabetic retinopathy (DR) screening results were obtained from medical records. Patients with preoperative retinal screening...

In conversation with Vasuki Sivagnanavel at 100% Optical

At 100% Optical at the end of February, we were lucky enough to run into Vasuki Sivagnanavel, Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon at The Royal Eye Unit, Kingston Hospital, shortly after her presentation: 'Diagnostic insights with retinal ultra-widefield multimodal imaging - perspectives from an optometrist and ophthalmologist'.

Stoke Hospital commemorates fifth anniversary

CHEC marks five year milestone with community celebration.

The College of Optometrists: Optometry Tomorrow 2024 (incorporating BCLA Focus)

by Claire McLoughlin, PR Manager, College of Optometrists, UK. The College of Optometrists and British Contact Lens Association (BCLA) welcomed around 900 attendees at Optometry Tomorrow 24 – now incorporating BCLA Focus – on 28–29 April. This was the 20th...

The original smooth operator: Sir Robin Millar

As an early 80s kid, if you lacked sufficient pocket money, building a music collection entailed recording your favourite songs off the radio with a cassette deck and hoping the presenter didn’t interrupt at any point, with a finger hovering...

Glaucoma UK launches the Pitts Crick Career Development Fellowship in celebration of its golden jubilee anniversary

Glaucoma UK is a leading charity dedicated to supporting those affected by glaucoma. The charity is proud to announce the establishment of the Pitts Crick Career Development Fellowship, a three-year post-doctoral research fellowship awarded to help mark the charity’s golden jubilee anniversary. The fellowship will support a rising star within glaucoma research, who the charity hopes will go on to play a pivotal role in transforming glaucoma diagnosis or treatment into the future.

Imaging without a slit-lamp, more Google Glass news and strabismus humour

Pinterest Many of you will know about this site that organises collections of mostly graphical information. It’s used heavily for fashion, recipes and cupcakes. Well, it seems it has also become quite a useful resource for ophthalmology, optometry and related...

Neurofibromatosis type 2 – diagnosis, features and MDT approach

NF2 is a genetic condition caused by mutation in a single gene (NF2 gene) on chromosome 22. The NF2 gene provides instructions to produce a protein called merlin, also known as schwannomin. This protein functions as a tumour suppressor, preventing...

My top five Instagram accounts to keep your scrolling educational

There’s no denying that now, more than ever, we are better connected to our electronic devices; 24/7, around the clock. The phenomenon of ‘Zoom’ and ‘Microsoft Teams’ is shaping the future of medical education, national trainee recruitment and conference access....

Nanosecond laser cataract surgery

The authors review the evidence for nanosecond laser cataract surgery: is this the future? Cataract is a leading cause of visual impairment worldwide, and cataract surgery is one of the most successful and cost-effective healthcare interventions, with a great impact...

SOS (Simplified Ophthalmic Statistics) Part 4: How to present your statistical analysis

This is the last in this series of short guides which we hope provide some guidance in relation to statistical issues researchers may encounter when conducting research, audit or indeed quality improvement projects. Here we focus on an issue that...

The importance of ‘hands-on’ learning

Providing ongoing professional education and development for the allied professions out of the clinic or hospital setting is often quite challenging. The reorganisation of rotas, heavy clinic lists and financial constraints all add up to making the opportunity to learn...