You searched for "blink"

3934 results found

The Eye Health Network – an ‘optometry-first’ approach to eye care

Historically, in NHS Grampian, ophthalmology and optometry worked separately, with even the process of optometry referral to hospital occurring only at the behest of the patient’s general practitioner (GP). Criteria for referral were not discussed and feedback after referral was...

Does religious fasting affect intraocular pressure or retinal parameters?

Nearly one billion Muslims fast every year during the month of Ramadan. Due to the difference between the lunar and solar calendars, religious fasting time can range from 11 to 17 hours per day. This prolonged abstinence from food and...

Beyond 2020 Episodes 01-03

Introduction Working in remote, Amazonian villages, the Andean Medical Mission (AMM) have made progress into eliminating avoidable blindness in this small corner of the globe and have produced a video series, Beyond 2020, to share what they’ve learned over 12...


The textbook is a large, single volume that ideally needs to be desk or table-supported, as its sheer weight makes it virtually impossible to rest comfortably on ones lap. The book is compiled by its two lead authors and editors...


HS-UK to host ‘Beat the President’ competition at the UKISCRS Annual Congress

HS-UK are pleased to be exhibiting at the 47th UKISCRS Annual Congress at the Leonardo City Hotel, on Thursday 2nd & Friday 3rd November, 2023.

Designing ophthalmology services Part 2: How do we address the queues for a clinic?

The first of this three-part series showed how systems engineering can be used to correctly diagnose and address the causes of delays in a clinic. This second article describes how to design a more productive system that meets the new...

Unaddressed Vision Problems Linked to Many Bus Crashes in Bangladesh, Study Finds

The new research from eye care nonprofit Orbis International is among the first to look at vision and road safety among public transportation workers in low- and middle-income countries.

End stage glaucoma management

A 48-year-old female has had multiple drug treatment for glaucoma and is still losing field of vision. How do you manage this over time? This patient is at high-risk for going blind and should be managed aggressively to protect remaining...

Are social media promoting ocular protection in the community?

During the Covid-19 pandemic, many countries worldwide introduced lockdown measures to control infection, causing people to spend more time at home. This resulted in reports of increasing incidences of do-it-yourself (DIY)-related trauma. When the Covid-19 pandemic started in December 2019,...

Stem cell therapy for Parkinson’s disease: researching for an 
effective cure

Neurodegenerative diseases are characterised by the chronic and progressive loss of neurons, which in turn results in loss of cognitive and physical functions. The World Health Organization has estimated that the disability-adjusted life years lost from neurological disease was about...

Save the date for the SEE Summit

The Association of British Dispensing Opticians (ABDO) is calling on everyone across the optical professions and industry to save 9 October 2023 for the third SEE Summit on the Environment.