You searched for "trainees"

883 results found

COMPlog – Electronic visual lane software

COMPlog is software designed to replace physical Snellen and LogMAR charts. We have been using COMPlog since 2017 in the unit where I work. Some readers may find our experience, and reasons for choosing this product, interesting. This article is...

Choosing a subspecialty

It is quite worrying how many registrars reach the final years of training without choosing a subspecialty. Sometimes this is because they love everything and cannot countenance giving any of it up, but more commonly this is due to various...

The results of the last survey Apr 2020

As ever, I would like to thank all those who participated in the last edition’s survey. A lot of data was generated and I do not intend to go through each individual finding. What is staggering again is the degree...

CALL TO ACTION: Ophthalmology on Myanmar / Thailand border: do you have any redundant kit?

In 1990, the late Doctor Frank Green, a consultant ophthalmologist in Aberdeen, along with Doctor Phillip Ambler, a GP with ophthalmic training, responded to an invitation to provide ophthalmic care for Karen refugees on the northern and eastern Myanmar borders....

Embracing assistive technology in the fight against sight loss

The author shares his own experience of sight loss and explains the vital role assistive technology can play in the lives of visually impaired patients. There is no doubt that sight loss continues to be a clear and present danger,...

The role of virtual Rb-NET Multidisciplinary Team meetings in the management of children with retinoblastoma in low- and middle-income countries

A selection of participants in an MDT meeting with Uganda. In 2017 the LINKS Programme developed a new network of LINKS to support and coordinate action against retinoblastoma (Rb) in response to requests from low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), called...

Developing eye health services in Malawi: a personal reflection

Dr Chinsisi Namate reflects on her first two years as a consultant ophthalmologist at the eye unit at Zomba Central Hospital, and how she has already successfully expanded eyecare services for southeast Malawi. The Lions Sight First Eye Hospital in...

Specialist high-street eye clinics for managing patients with retinal disorders can enhance care standards

The author examines the successful introduction of community-based retinal clinic services by Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust. Dr Sajjad Mahmood, Consultant Ophthalmologist, MREH, shares experience of establishing community-based medical retina clinic services. Sight loss from age-related macular degeneration (AMD), cataract,...

What to expect when meeting a statistician

There are a growing number of statisticians working closely with ophthalmologists. They have different training but they are driven by the same goal: to perform high quality evidence based clinical research [1,2]. In a perfect world we would simply conduct...

The last three patients: general practice (Patient One)

Professor Jonathan Rees is an Emeritus Professor of Dermatology at the University of Edinburgh (2020). He held the Grant Chair of Dermatology in Edinburgh from 2000 to 2020, and before that the Chair of Dermatology in Newcastle from 1992 to...

Blame the lens – not its position – in refractive surprise

Aetiology of postoperative refractive surprise Weber coined the term “wrong eye, wrong intraocular lens, wrong patient” in 2008 as an aide memoir of major factors believed to underlie refractive surprise – defined as a significant unintended difference between dioptric refraction...

What's trending Jun/Jul 2022

A round-up of the eye-related hot topics that have been trending over the last few weeks. #Polishdoctor #UkraineConflict #familysight Polish doctor Professor Rejdak’s team saved a Ukrainian family’s eyesight after a bomb hit their home. Olena Selichzianowa and her 5-year-old...