You searched for "AMM"

1492 results found

Association of astigmatism and inferior oblique over action

The aim of this study was to evaluate the association between primary inferior oblique over action and astigmatism along the axis on the overacting muscle. The authors explored the postoperative change in axis of astigmatism and cylinder power in a...

Does methanol poisoning require ophthalmic investigation?

The authors report a case series of 21 patients (41 eyes) diagnosed with acute methanol poisoning following an outbreak in Tunisia in 2020. All patients underwent a complete ophthalmological examination including visual fields, colour vision test and optical coherence tomography...

Retinal nerve fibre layer thickness in migraine

The aim of this study is to evaluate retinal nerve fibre layer (RNFL) thickness changes in children with migraine compared to healthy controls and analyse RNFL changes dependent on type of migraine. This was an observation case control study of...

Natural history of optic nerve head drusen in a paediatric population

A retrospective case notes review is presented focusing on children diagnosed with optic nerve head drusen over an eight-year period. Inclusion criteria included cases coded for optic nerve head drusen and / or pseudopapilledema. The aim of the study was...

A review of neuro and retinal imaging findings in Alzheimer’s disease

The authors present a systematic review with the aim of assessing the relationship between retinal and cerebral changes in Alzheimer’s disease (AD), mild cognitive impairment and pre-clinical AD. A total of 23 articles met the inclusion criteria of the review,...

Genetic analysis of choroideremia families

Choroideremia (CHM) is a rare X linked recessive chorioretinal dystrophy. Symptoms include nyctalopia and progressive peripheral field loss. Female carriers may have mild symptoms. Choroideremia is known to be caused by a mutation in the CHM gene. A multicentre human...

Normal videonystagmography data

The authors report on the smooth pursuit and saccadic eye movement waveforms elicited from normal patients while viewing standardised calibrated targets. Serial trials were performed on each patient to determine test / retest reliability: nine trials producing 117 results by...

The clinical spectrum of albinism

The authors sought to examine clinical correlates that may be related to foveal development in albinism with an aim to qualitatively describe the phenotype spectrum of albinism. Binocular best corrected visual acuity ranged from 20/20 to 20/80. Best corrected visual...

Topical atorvastatin for dry eye and blepharitis

Dry eye is a very common problem with 20% of the population affected and is frequently associated with blepharitis (DEB), which has an over prevalence of about 40%. The aim of this study was to evaluate a topical atorvastatin formulation...

Cytotoxic effect of voriconazole on human corneal epithelial cells

Voriconazole is a second-generation synthetic derivative of fluconazole with broadened antifungal spectrum. It is becoming the drug of choice for fungal keratitis. Voriconazole eye drops are not available commercially, thus have to be prepared by diluting the intravenous formulation containing...

A case series of acquired esotropia in cerebellar disease

Acquired esotropia in cerebellar disease is well described but under-recognised. The pathogenesis of cerebellar esotropia is controversial. It is suggested it may be a result of disruption to central vestibular pathways. This article reports a case series of seven adults...

Dyslexic reading improved by vergence training

The aim of this study was to evaluate if reading performance could be improved by a period of compensatory vergence training in dyslexic children with otherwise normal binocular vision. The study included 13 children with dyslexia – mean age of...