You searched for "blink"

3934 results found

The Wachter Review

Professor Robert Wachter (pronounced Wokter) is well known in the NHS IT sector. In late 2015 Jeremy Hunt announced he had tasked Dr Wachter to lead a review of the digital future of the NHS. The resulting Wachter Review was...

Navigating the retina: the nitty-gritty of slit-lamp fundus examination

The slit-lamp fundus examination can be a difficult and disorientating task for beginners due to the retina being viewed in a non-anatomical orientation, the small area of retina illuminated, and the counterintuitive technique of the examination. This article provides a...

AOP launches research into key reforms proposed for primary eye care services in Wales

The Welsh Government put forward proposals for major reforms of primary eye care services

What's trending Dec/Jan 2022

A round-up of the eye-related hot topics that have been trending on social media over the last few weeks. #eyetrackingtechnology #assitivetechnology #gaming Modern eye trackers often rely on electronic specialist hardware that continuously scan the the pupil and reflections from...

Optic nerve swelling – your survival guide (part 1)

Assessment of optic nerve appearance and functions is a daily routine in neuro-ophthalmology. Following a recent high profile court case there has been a significant increase in the amount of referral to ophthalmology departments to assess the optic nerve and...

FOUNDATIONS OF INTRAOCULAR MICROSURGERY – Principles for Elite Performance Volume 1: Systemic Challenges

Cataract surgery is the most commonly performed intraocular surgery performed in the UK. It takes years of meticulous practice and experience to master the surgery and become a safe and slick surgeon. As the saying goes, “forewarned is forearmed.” Anticipating...

The screening and treatment of retinopathy of prematurity

A male child is born at 31 weeks and requires 100% oxygen supplementation with intensive care. What would be the ophthalmic management of this child? In the first instance, it will be useful to know the screening criteria and protocol....

The Story of Looking: Mark Cousins

Lake, Sweden, as featured in The Story Of Looking. In an interview with Director Mark Cousins about his relationship with sight and storytelling, Peter Cackett discusses Cousins’ recent film, The Story of Looking, and how its production informed, and was...

Typical or surprisingly uncharacteristic presentations of neuro-ophthalmic emergencies

Irrespective of geographical location or patient cohort, emergency departments are high risk locations capable of inspiring extreme anxiety and dread in patients and doctors alike. The stress multiplies when a walk-in or referred case is suspected of underlying neurological pathology....

Keeping watch

Although it’s autumn, it’s not too cold and the slight breeze blowing up from the sea does not make me regret leaving my jacket in clinic. It’s a strange site; hundreds of hospital staff standing on either side of the...

Origami and ophthalmology: precision unfolded

For Eye News Feb/Mar 2024, I was delighted to hear from Dr Hosam Aglan. In New Zealand at the time, Dr Aglan shared wonderful insights into the art of folding origami, along with images from his own creations. The role...

Falkirk girl with sight loss is World Book Day winner

Grace Kidd, 9, from Falkirk, is the winner of a creative writing competition hosted for the first time by leading sight loss charity, RNIB, to mark World Book Day.