You searched for "blink"

3934 results found

Diary from my elective: a Parisian experience

The author explains how a research institute’s dedication to multidisciplinary collaboration helped him to discover a passion for academic ophthalmology. The elective aspect to the final year of a medical degree, through its change of scenery and immersion into another...

The Retina International World Congress will take place in Dublin from June 5-8

The Retina International World Congress hosted by Fighting Blindness will take place in Dublin, Ireland, from June 5-8.

Google Maps - some supremely useful features

This article covers some less well known, yet very useful, features of Google Maps. Estimate your journey time by the day and time you’ll be travelling It’s easy to type a destination in and get an idea about how long...

What’s new in wet AMD papers?

Paper presentations on neovascular (‘wet’) age-related macular degeneration (AMD) from the 16th European Society of Retina Specialists Congress, Copenhagen, September 2016, outline recent research directions evaluating the impact of vision loss on key health domains, patient preferences in the process...

Part 2: Good news, bad news at the international conference

In the second instalment of this two-part article (click here for Part 1), our editor Peter Cackett presents the ‘good news’ and ‘bad news’ from an international conference experience. Readers will remember that in the last issue I left you...

Ophthalmic Nursing: Developing the future

The primary annual national event for nurses and allied professionals working in Ophthalmology The 9th annual national Ophthalmic Nursing conference explores service improvement, recruitment and retention, combined service approach along with safety and quality issues. These are complemented by a...

Virtual reality for the ophthalmic trainee

If you believe the tech blogs 2015 is the year of virtual reality. Industry experts believe this will be due to the potential commercial release of the poster boy of this new revolution, the Oculus Rift. This is a headset...

Mastering clinical skills in ophthalmology

To young junior doctors, and some senior doctors who may not have had much exposure to ophthalmology, the specialty can seem very foreign. Not only are the conditions and examination findings specific to the eyes, but the skill set required...

A app and more security woes gets a new app The website is well known in the medical community. Its online services started 20 years ago, in 1998! Since then it has retained its core features of providing email accounts and also an online...

Internuclear ophthalmoplegia: a case study

A 44-year-old patient presents with binocular, mostly horizontal diplopia when fixating on moving objects. This has been ongoing for approximately five years. He is known to have multiple sclerosis and had an episode of optic neuritis six years prior in...

The ophthalmologist’s elbow: a potentially painful point of contact

Three months ago I leant, in the customary manner, on the box of my indirect lens at the slit lamp to examine a patient’s fundus. An acute and severe pain in the tip of my elbow immediately interrupted me. I...

Unilateral Single Wall Decompression of Thyroid Proptosis Following an Incidental Traumatic Injury

Case report A 69-year-old female with a long history of Grave’s ophthalmopathy was under routine follow-up when it was noted during a clinic visit that the amount of proptosis and lid retraction in her right eye had remarkably reduced. A...