You searched for "Commonwealth"

174 results found

Wills Eye Handbook of Ocular Genetics

Wills Eye Handbook of Ocular Genetics is a concise and comprehensive guide to the diagnosis and management of ophthalmic genetic conditions. Ocular genetics is a rapidly-evolving field and an updated textbook is vital to communicate the recent advances made in...

British Blind Sport calls for Voluntary Classifiers for visually impaired athletes

British Blind Sport (BBS) is seeking voluntary classifiers to aid in offering sight classifications for adults and children. BBS, which helps blind and partially sighted people lead active lives and engage and play sports, works with people at all levels,...

Review of international telemedicine infrastructure for ROP

This review aimed to review the information and communications technology available for telemedicine, the internet access and economic status of countries at greater risk for higher prevalence of ROP, the framework of established ROP telemedicine programmes, and the cost-effectiveness of...

Neuro-ophthalmic disease patterns in Southeast Asia with particular reference to giant cell arteritis

As indicated in an earlier article in Eye News [1] Dr Cullen was invited in 2000 to the Singapore National Eye Centre (SNEC) as visiting Professor with a specific remit to set up a specialist neuro-ophthalmology service, which was the...

Practice patterns of uveal melanoma management with Iodine-125 brachytherapy

With the 2006 Collaborative Ocular Melanoma Study Group (COMS) study demonstrating no difference in survival outcomes for participants randomised to either iodine-125 brachytherapy or enucleation, the majority of primary uveal melanomas in the United States are now treated with brachytherapy....

Diagnosis of ocular tuberculosis

This review article provides an update on the methods diagnosing ocular tuberculosis (TB), the difficulties in making the diagnosis and makes recommendations to a more accurate diagnosis by combining the available diagnostic tests. Today ocular TB remains a presumptive clinical...

Ocular complications in retinal vasculitis

In this retrospective study the authors aimed to characterise the incidence rates of visual loss and ocular complications associated with retinal vasculitis (RV – annual incidence of 1-2/ 100000/ per annum). A secondary objective was to compare the visual outcomes...

Endophthalmitis after intravitreal injections in France

In this nationwide, retrospective, multicentre case series, the authors looked at the incidence and characteristics of endophthalmitis after intravitreal injections of anti-VEGFs and steroids, given for a variety of posterior segment conditions (macular oedema secondary to diabetes or retinal vein...

Rebamipide 2% for dry eye

Rebamipide is a quinolinone derivative that has been found to increase mucin production and the number of conjunctival goblet cells. A previous phase two study has shown rebamipide 2% to be better than placebo in improving the ocular surface and...

Inherited retinal disorders now the leading cause of blindness

The recent paper in BMJ Open, from the UCL Institute of Ophthalmology, ‘A comparison of the causes of blindness certifications in England and Wales in working age adults (16-64 years), 1999-2000 with 2009-2010’ concludes that inherited retinal disorders (IRD) such...

Reflections of a Pupil: What Your Med School and Ophthalmology Textbooks Can’t Teach You (But What Your Mentors, Colleagues and Patients Will)

Reflections of a Pupil is a thought-provoking collection of anecdotes, clinical pearls and life lessons written by Ophthalmologist R Rishi Gupta. While ophthalmologists have a seemingly endless collection of textbooks to choose from to build their knowledge, this book offers...

Improved quality of life in children with allergic conjunctivitis and their parents with anti-allergic therapy

This prospective intervention study investigated the change in quality of life in child-parent pairs with allergic conjunctivitis (AC) on anti-allergic therapy. From September 2020 to May 2021, AC child-parent pairs and healthy child-parent pairs were recruited in Guangzhou, China. Children...