You searched for "IIH"
The Diabetic Eye Screening Programme in Tanzania - The VISION 2020 LINK between Dodoma and Belfast
4 February 2021
| Rahila Bashir, Frank Sandi, Tunde Peto, Bernadetha Robert Shilio, Marcia Zondervan
EYE - Cataract, EYE - Cornea, EYE - Glaucoma, EYE - Imaging, EYE - Neuro-ophthalmology, EYE - Oculoplastic, EYE - Oncology, EYE - Orbit, EYE - Paediatrics, EYE - Pathology, EYE - Refractive, EYE - Strabismus, EYE - Vitreo-Retinal, EYE - General
Rahila Bashir, Senior Remote Ophthalmic Research Image Grader, talks to Frank Sandi, Ophthalmologist at the Benjamin Mkapa Hospital (BMH), University of Dodoma in Tanzania and to Tunde Peto at Queen’s University Belfast (QUB) and Belfast Health and Social Care Trust...
What not to miss in neuro-ophthalmology Part 1
1 April 2018
EYE - Neuro-ophthalmology
Neuro-ophthalmology is a complex and difficult subspecialty in ophthalmology. It has several connections to neurology, neuro-surgery, rheumatology as well as many other medical specialties. Working in an multidisciplinary team (MDT) environment is key to success in this subspecialty as mistakes...
Traumatic optic neuropathy
In neuro-ophthalmology we get asked a lot about management of patients who suffered significant trauma and presented with loss of vision secondary to presumed traumatic optic neuropathy (TON). TON happens usually in the context of significant craniofacial trauma. The incidence...How long to air tamponade after DMEK?
This interventional case series looked at the influence of different intraoperative air tamponade times on graft adherence after descemet membrane endothelial keratoplasty (DMEK). A total of 117 eyes with Fuchs endothelial corneal dystrophy (FECD) that underwent DMEK were included. Patients...Binocular single vision (BSV)
3 April 2023
| Ali Yagan
EYE - General
Introduction In this article I will try to summarise some of the definitions, tests and assessments performed in the strabismus clinic to assess patient binocular potential. This is a key feature of strabismus assessment, especially in adults, and it will...
WATCH: Novel imaging technology reveals role of immune cells in early diabetic cataract development
In this video interview, Proffessor Ali Hafezi-Moghadam and Professor Dr. Christoph Rußmann discuss their findings on the role of immune cells in early diabetic cataract development.Prevalence and incidence of uveitis
3 June 2021
| Patty Mopamboli Mboli
Retina / Uvea / Vitreous
Incidence, epidemiology, prevalence, systematic review, uveitis
Uveitis encompasses a group of diseases characterised by the inflammation of fovea uvea which are potentially vision threatening. However, the frequency of this condition is unclear. This systematic review and meta-analysis aimed to provide estimates of the frequency of uveitis...
Refraction results in ROP with and without IVB
4 August 2021
| Fiona Rowe (Prof)
Paediatric Ophthalmology / Strabismus
Premature infant, intravitreal bevacizumab injection (IVB), refractive error, retinopathy of prematurity (ROP)
The authors aimed to compare refractive results of intravitreal bevacizumab (IVB) injection in premature neonates with retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) versus infants with spontaneous regression of ROP. The study included 87 infants (174 eyes). Group 1 included 38 infants (76...
Profile of paediatric cranial nerve palsies
5 August 2022
| Fiona Rowe (Prof)
Paediatric Ophthalmology / Strabismus
The purpose of this study was to retrospectively assess the aetiology of paediatric ocular cranial nerve palsies (CNP) using neuro-ophthalmic data from three hospitals. The study included 1263 patients aged <18 years suspected of having strabismus, from January 1999 to...
Treatment of IIIcnp
1 February 2018
| Fiona Rowe (Prof)
Paediatric Ophthalmology / Strabismus
The authors report the surgical treatment of a 15-year old with congenital III nerve palsy. The child had a deviation of 50PD exotropia and a -6 limitation of adduction, -3 limitation of elevation and -4 limitation of depression. Surgery consisted...
Inferior oblique muscle features
4 December 2023
| Fiona Rowe (Prof)
Paediatric Ophthalmology / Strabismus
The authors aimed to study and morphometrically define the surgical anatomy of the inferior oblique muscle and its variations, and to outline surgical coordinates to aid location of the inferior oblique origin and nerve supply to the inferior oblique muscle....
Cataract progression after Nd-YAG laser iridotomy in primary angle-closure suspect eyes
2 February 2024
| Jonathan Chan
Angle, Clinical Trial, Glaucoma, Treatment Lasers, Vision
A total of 889 of eligible bilateral primary angle-closure suspect (PACS) patients were recruited from the Zhongshan Angle Closure Prevention Trial. One randomly selected eye received laser peripheral iridotomy (LPI), while the fellow remained untreated. Cataract was graded by the...