You searched for "disease"
Incidence of ocular myasthenia gravis and risk factors for conversion to generalised disease
This population based retrospective cohort study evaluates the incidence of ocular myasthenia gravis (OMG) as well as risk factors for transformation to generalised myasthenia gravis (GMG). Sixty-five patients (40 male and 25 female) with newly diagnosed with myasthenia gravis (MG)...Use of the RAPDx device to evaluate efficacy of treatment in patients with optic nerve disease
1 October 2018
| Claire Howard
Detection rate, optic nerve disease, relative afferent pupillary defect, standard values
The RAPDx objectively determines the RAPD magnitude by alternately presenting light stimuli to each eye and deriving amplitude and latency scores. The authors of this paper evaluated the amplitude and latency scores from the RAPDx together with other ophthalmic investigations...
Vitreoretinal Disease: Diagnosis, Management and Clinical Pearls (second edition)
A comprehensive, well-illustrated and highly informative resource providing excellent descriptions of vitreoretinal diseases, their presentation, diagnosis and management. The 40 chapters are grouped into four sections, namely: the Anatomy and Physiology of the vitreous, retina, choroid and retinal pigment epithelium;...Visual acuity outcomes in Coat’s disease by classification stage
5 October 2020
| Jonathan Chan
Retina / Uvea / Vitreous
This is a retrospective study of 160 consecutive patients with Coat’s disease under the Shields classification, with Snellen visual acuity (VA) pre and post treatment. Affected eyes were categorised based on the Shields classification: Stage 1: retinal telangiectasia onlyStage 2a:...
Benefit of selenium and vitamin D supplementation in thyroid eye disease
1 April 2020
| Claire Howard
There is some limited evidence of as association between thyroid eye disease (TED) and nutritional deficiencies including selenium and vitamin D. Prior studies show that selenium can reduce TPO-antibody concentrations and improve hypothyroidism and post-partum thyroiditis. Limited evidence also shows...
Saccadic eye movements in young-onset Parkinson’s disease
5 August 2020
| Claire Howard
BOLD, Saccadic eye movements, fMRI, young onset Parkinson’s disease
The objective of this study was to understand control of saccadic eye movements in patients with young onset Parkinson’s disease (YOPD) where onset of disease symptoms appears early in life (<40 years of age). Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) was...
Using contrast acuity and rapid number naming in Huntington’s disease
4 February 2021
| Claire Howard
Huntington disease, King-Devick test, contrast sensitivity, eye movements, saccades
This study aimed to evaluate afferent and efferent visual function in Huntington’s disease (HD). HD is often portrayed by abnormal saccadic eye movements and afferent visual pathway involvement however these are poorly characterised and difficult to quantify at the bedside....
Test combination which could detect prodromal Alzheimer disease
2 August 2022
| Lauren R Hepworth
The authors prospectively recruited a convenience sample of individuals aged over 65 and either with a diagnosis of mild cognitive impairment (MCI) due to Alzheimer disease or normal cognition. Other types of dementia and severe neurological conditions were excluded. All...
Outcomes of combined medial and laser treatment for advanced Coat’s disease
3 April 2023
| Fiona Rowe (Prof)
Paediatric Ophthalmology / Strabismus
In this study, the anatomical and visual outcomes of paediatric patients with advanced stage 3+ Coat’s disease are reported. Patients were treated with a combination of intravitreal ranibizumab, laser photocoagulation and methyl prednisolone acetate. This was a retrospective review of...
Treatment of severe chronic ocular graft-versus-host disease
1 February 2018
| Jonathan Chan
Cornea / External Eye Disease
Cornea, Inflammation, Treatment Medical, Wound healing
A retrospective study from Cologne, Germany, between November 2012 to March 2015, of 17 patients with graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) treated with 100% single use vials autologous serum eye drops in sealed system. Visual acuity, corneal staining, frequency of artificial tears,...