You searched for "oculomics"

97 results found

Programme announced for 2023 BCLA Clinical Conference

An action-packed programme at this year’s BCLA Clinical Conference and Exhibition will feature world class speakers delivering the latest innovation and clinical insight alongside live demonstrations and hands-on workshops.

World-class Health Innovation Hub to be built in Govan

The University of Glasgow and Kadans Science Partner, supported by Scottish Enterprise, are delighted to announce the construction of a new Health Innovation Hub in Govan, setting the stage for a thriving life sciences cluster in the area.

The future of multi-professional working in eye care

How the integration of service improvement technology, and health promotion will allow eye care professionals to overcome current and future challenges. The future of eye care in the UK is at a precipice. Hospital attendances are increasing year on year,...

Third nerve palsy

Case scenarios A 71-year-old female presented to a nearby eye emergency unit with two days history of partial ptosis in her left eye with diplopia. She saw her GP earlier that day and he asked her to go to the...

Neonatal hypoxic ischaemic encephalopathy with imaging abnormalities in the occipital lobe – how to counsel the parents

Case A baby boy, with a background of intrauterine growth restriction, was born at 37 weeks and three days gestation via forceps delivery. The baby was born in poor condition, with low heart rate, poor respiratory rate, poor colour and...

Birdshot retinochoroiditis

Birdshot retinochoroiditis (BRC) is a chronic, sight-threatening uveitis, most commonly affecting caucasian individuals in their fourth to sixth decades [1]. The disease is associated with HLA-29 and is characterised by progressive inflammation at the level of retina and choroid, with...

Childhood glaucoma

When a child is given a diagnosis of glaucoma, the impact upon that child and their family is enormous; equivalent to the diagnosis of a cancer [14]. This article outlines the knowledge, techniques and approaches that offer solutions to the...

Telemedicine strategies in ophthalmology: harnessing established and emerging technologies for lasting solutions

The author considers recent progress and shares insights from leading practitioners in telemedicine applications and digital technology strategies. Amidst COVID-19 and combined mitigation and suppression measures, hospitals and clinics have responded rapidly to strengthen telemedicine strategies and virtual healthcare services...

High quality retinal image grading and management service by the NetwORC UK

In 2004 a network of three ophthalmic reading centres in Belfast, London and Liverpool (known as NetwORC UK) was established to form the largest reading centre in Europe for the purpose of providing high quality grading of ophthalmic images for...

Anisometropia following cataract surgery and its non-surgical treatment

The desired result of cataract surgery is improved visual acuity without the use of spectacles. In practice most patients following initial cataract extraction are likely to be symptomatic of anisometropia giving rise to prismatic effects (anisophoria) and unequal retinal image...

Regulatory drug evaluations and expedited review initiatives: EU and US perspectives

The European Medicines Agency (EMA) and United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) each conduct independent assessments of benefit-risk profile when evaluating applications to market new or modified medicines, and their respective decision-making is guided by distinct legislation, procedures and...

Understanding vasoproliferative retinal tumours

Syed Irtiza Ali Shah explores this rare and unusual condition through a fascinating case presentation. Vasoproliferative tumours of the retina (VPTR) are a vascular mass with an associated exudative retinopathy alongside the presence of minimally dilated feeder vessels. This is...