You searched for "zonules"

463 results found

Silicone oil migration presenting as an eyelid cyst

The author presents a single case report of a rare complication of silicone oil tamponade, silicone oil migration, after pars plana vitrectomy. A seven-year-old female, with a history of vitrectomy one year prior for penetrating eye trauma, presented with a...

Illuminating task lighting

Good lighting is always important but especially for patients who are visually impaired. Janet Pooley provides an overview. We tend to discuss lighting with patients when their vision is reduced, and where we are considering higher reading adds or low...

Key tips to help doctors and patients maximise Zoom consultations

Jo Murphy, a leading communication skills specialist for medical professionals, presents key tips to help doctors and patients maximise Zoom consultations.

Glaucoma patients can monitor and treat their own IOP!

Simerdip Kaur takes a look at the latest ophthalmology-related stories in the news. Headline: Glaucoma patients can monitor and treat their own IOP! It is well known that poorly controlled intraocular pressure (IOP) is a leading risk factor for glaucoma...

How long to wait to refract after instilling cyclo drops for children with brown irides?

This study aimed to assess the time needed for effective cycloplegia after instillation of 1% cyclopentolate drops in children with brown irides. The study recruited 161 consecutive patients aged three to 16 years. All had refraction on arrival, then instillation...

Oct/Nov 2016 Quiz

History A 67-year-old female patient had chronic left canaliculitis becoming painful and more recently complicated by left lower blepharitis. Examination revealed a small fleshy lump on the medial aspect of the left lower eyelid. There was also swelling of the...

An unusual presentation of sarcoidosis

*Equally contributing co-first authors. Case report A 45-year-old man presented to his local optometrist with a three-week history of severe intermittent left eye pain with associated blurred vision and tenderness around his left temple. Two days prior, he developed weakness...

Diabetes and diabetic retinopathy: Changes in understanding of the disease over the last 25 years and how the UK is helping low-income countries tackle the challenges

Diabetes – a historical perspective Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a chronic disease caused by inherited and / or acquired deficiency in production of insulin by the pancreas, or by the ineffectiveness of the insulin produced. Such a deficiency results in...

Capacity-strengthening for diabetic retinopathy services in low- and middle-income countries

Introduction DR-NET eye health professionals in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) have, since 2015, been able to access training in diabetic retinopathy (DR) grading provided by Gloucestershire Retinal Education Group (GREG). GREG, led by Professor Peter Scanlon and based at...

The ‘art’ of refraction – designing a refraction course

Learning how to refract requires theoretical knowledge, practice and determination. Refraction is a notoriously challenging skill to acquire and the competing demands on junior ophthalmologists can often be restrictive of the development of this core skill. To consolidate theory learnt...

My COVID-19 songs

A portrait of Anna by Tamara Jovandic-Everson as part of #portraitsforNHSheroes. I am a consultant eye surgeon and these are my COVID songs. First of all, I have not even had time to digest the past six months, partly because...

Newer generation IOL platforms designed for high-quality visual performance after cataract surgery

Expanding intraocular lens (IOL) capabilities provide broadening options, ranging from next-generation monofocal IOLs for basic cataract surgery, to specialised premium IOLs for lens-based presbyopia correction and astigmatism correction at the time of cataract surgery. Rod McNeil considers several newer alternative...