You searched for "ophthalmologist"

2465 results found

Don’t ignore the black lesion! It might be mucormycosis

Keeping mucormycosis infection in the foreground of your differential diagnosis, especially in those more vulnerable patients, will help save their lives if recognised and managed appropriately. Mucormycosis is a fulminant infection caused by the fungi of the family Mucoraceae. It...

My ophthalmic elective: focusing on myopia in Taiwan

The authors describe their elective experience and delve further into high myopia, an emerging ophthalmic disease that is increasingly recognised in and outside Asia. The medical school elective programme presents an opportunity for students to conduct learning in their chosen...

A closed angle seldom comes alone

Case report An 89-year-old lady with dementia was referred to me out of hours by her GP with a few days history of an angry looking left eye for suspected elevated intraocular pressure (IOP). I discovered that this lady first...


I am writing this on 21 March 2020, and I am pretty confident that by the time you read this that whatever I say will already be hopelessly out of date. Plus, it’s only really what I think, and I...

What not to miss in neuro-ophthalmology Part 1

Neuro-ophthalmology is a complex and difficult subspecialty in ophthalmology. It has several connections to neurology, neuro-surgery, rheumatology as well as many other medical specialties. Working in an multidisciplinary team (MDT) environment is key to success in this subspecialty as mistakes...

Old dogs

It is always nice to get a thank you card, especially so when it comes from someone at the tail end of an overbooked clinic who had waited patiently well past their appointed slot. Such was the case when I...

My top five Instagram accounts to keep your scrolling educational

There’s no denying that now, more than ever, we are better connected to our electronic devices; 24/7, around the clock. The phenomenon of ‘Zoom’ and ‘Microsoft Teams’ is shaping the future of medical education, national trainee recruitment and conference access....

Understanding spaceflight-associated neuro-ocular syndrome (SANS): what do we know?

Introduction Formerly known as visual impairment and intracranial pressure syndrome (VIIP), space-related neuro-ocular syndrome (SANS) is defined by a collection of ophthalmic and neurological findings in astronauts after long-term spaceflight [1]. Changes in the eyeball, such as hyperopic shift, during...

Glaucoma UK reveals new name, website and branding

Glaucoma UK - formerly the International Glaucoma Association - is using this year’s Glaucoma Awareness Week (GAW) to launch a new name, visual identity and website for the charity, with the aim of reaching more people who have glaucoma, or who are at risk of glaucoma.

New editorial coordinator joins the Eye News team

We are delighted to announce that Chris Henson will be joining the Eye News team as editorial coordinator from this week.

RCOphth Annual Congress - Day 1

Follow all the updates from the first day of the RCOphth 2022 Annual Congress here.

The Sclera and Systemic Disorders (3rd Edition)

An interesting historical introduction captures the reader’s attention as the journey begins into exploring the peculiarities and pathologies of ‘dura tunica of Vesalius’, a term coined by anatomists of the middle ages. This refers to what we today identify as...