You searched for "blink"

3934 results found

Coming to terms with AI

A machine might be called intelligent if its response to questions could convince a person that it was human, a test proposed by Alan Turing in 1950 [1]. The author considers potential applications of artificial intelligence (AI) using machine learning...

The first on-call

You’ve made into ophthalmic specialist training and before you know it, it’s your first on-call shift. You are expected to provide the specialist on-call service out of hours and there is a new wave of responsibility, with, let’s be honest,...

The results of the last survey Aug21

We are often referred patients noted to have an optic disc haemorrhage (ODH) without any other features of pathology. How we manage these patients can have a significant impact on our struggling capacity. The significance in glaucoma and, in particular,...

Clinical tutor enjoys rewarding nature of volunteering

Bradford University Clinical Tutor, Benji Chandra, celebrates five years of supporting the needs of homeless people this summer.

Ophthalmology clinical teaching and research fellowships: a pathway into ophthalmology specialty training

Ophthalmology is known for being one of the most competitive medical specialties in the UK, with 6.8 applicants per post in 2021. In fact, the competition ratio has drastically increased in recent years, rising from 5.73 in 2020 and 3.24...

Eye drop reminder apps

There are quite a few apps in both the iPhone and Android app stores designed to help patients remember to take their eye drops. The goal here was to select an app suitable to recommend to patients. Ophthalmic specific apps...

Where are they now?

The Eye News and University of Edinburgh teams last met up with Zomba-based Dr Chinsisi Namate Nyirenda, in Glasgow, May 2022, when she was a member of The Ophthalmological Society of Malawi’s delegation to the Royal College of Ophthalmologists Annual...

Atlas Optical Coherence Tomography of Macular Diseases and Glaucoma

The book is divided into three sections: an introduction to optical coherence tomography (OCT), the OCT in macular diseases, and glaucoma. The first section lists the currently commercially available OCT machines, then describes the techniques for acquiring OCT images using...

Quiz Dec/Jan 2020

History A 69-year-old female patient was referred to the uveitis clinic from her local district general hospital with a left posterior uveitis which had been unresponsive to high dose steroids. She had no other previous ophthalmic history nor significant systems...

My top five Apps for UK-based general ophthalmologists

The way we interact in society is changing as more of us are becoming ‘digital natives’: individuals who are in close contact to the internet and expect to integrate smart devices with our daily lives. This was stereotypically a term...

My Top Five: Apps for UK-based general ophthalmologists

The way we interact in society is changing as more of us are becoming ‘digital natives’: individuals who are in close contact to the internet and expect to integrate smart devices with our daily lives. This was stereotypically a term...

Neuroanatomical structures and eye movements

The aim of this study was to review and critically discuss the role of ocular proprioception in oculomotor control and development of eye motility disorders. The authors considered proprioception, structure and proprioceptors of eye muscles, singly and multiply innervated muscle...