You searched for "consent"

2336 results found

Overview of issues with provision of paediatric ophthalmology care

Previous reports have summarised a consistent decline in paediatric ophthalmology over the past 20 years with significant differences in mean salary compensation for paediatric ophthalmologists vs. other ophthalmology subspecialties. Many subsidise income by other non-paediatric work or retire early. With...

Networking in ophthalmology and ophthalmic imaging

Whether virtually or in real life, networking can expand our horizons. Rosalyn Painter takes a look at how it has influenced her own career. It is easy to forget the importance of networking, especially in the current climate; as imagers...

Commonwealth nations join forces to prevent blindness from diabetes

More than 70 representatives from 10 Commonwealth countries (in the African, Caribbean and Pacific regions) and Indonesia gathered at a five-day workshop in November 2014 to establish district or national plans to reduce blindness from diabetic retinopathy (DR). The event...

A Nightmare on Doctor Street: Two

Just when you thought it was safe to go back into the clinic room… The quote below comes from Rudy Baylor, a graduate fresh out of law school and recruited by a ruthless ambulance chaser in the legal drama movie,...

COVID-19 and Charles Bonnet Syndrome

As COVID-19 rips through the country, it is – of course – imperative that we stay at home to try and prevent the virus spreading through the whole community. We are all aware of the need to take special care...

Redeployment during the COVID-19 pandemic: personal accounts from four ophthalmology trainees

We once believed that the coronavirus would not penetrate the safe confines of the United Kingdom, like so many outbreaks before this. Once the news came that this pandemic descended into our hospitals, the anxieties about redeployment began. Many of...

Macular holes: A brief review

The classification of macular holes has been modernised by OCT findings. This is a brief review and encompasses the historical literature on macular holes. A macular hole is an anatomical discontinuation of the neurosensory retina at the centre of the...

Report: Ultrasound Course held at the Royal College of Ophthalmologists in London in November

In November, a full-day course was run at the RCOphth in London to introduce basic training in ophthalmic ultrasound. The faculty on the course were: Mr Hatem Atta, Mr Tarek El Kashab and Dr Peter Good.

Children with Vision Impairment: Assessment, Development, and Management

Childhood blindness is a major public health concern worldwide with several implications ranging from a child’s development, education, and employment opportunities to social and functional challenges. This book offers a succinct, sequential approach to understanding conditions which lead to visual...

Addressing medical risk factors for diabetes and understanding the new systemic treatments

As global diabetes figures continue to rise, the importance of reducing the burden of macrovascular and microvascular complications of diabetes has never been so great. By 2025 it is estimated that five million people in the UK will have diabetes...

The embryology of the eye

Nobody claims to like embryology. At least nobody I know. It has been a neglected part of the curriculum since time immemorial and a vicious cycle occurs in which those with an incomplete understanding fail to appreciate the inherent beauty...

BT for cyclic esotropia

This paper describes two patients with childhood cyclic esotropia treated with botulinum toxin (BT) and followed for eight and nine years. Onset was at two and four years of age. BT was injected under electromyography (EMG) guidance bilaterally to medial...