You searched for "pathology"

973 results found

The bionic eye – behind the headlines

Multiple visual prosthetic projects and other vision regeneration initiatives being tested in preclinical and clinical development worldwide illustrate continuing progress and opportunities in addressing profound blindness from hereditary retinal diseases and other causes (Table 1). Three implantable bionic vision systems...

GOC approves SPOKE Project 5 output

The General Optical Council (GOC) has approved the fifth output of the Sector Partnership for Optical Knowledge and Education (SPOKE). The output is now available to download from the College of Optometrists website.

Guide to Gaining Approval for a Clinical Study

This article focuses on gaining approval for clinical research involving NHS patients, although the principles can be applied to other types of research. The intention is to give an overview of the requirements for setting up a research study, but...

Well-presented scholarly research work will reduce chances of journal rebuttal

Submitting to an academic journal? Are you aware of the requirements and constraints of relevant copyright laws? Rod McNeil provides a guide for aspiring authors. Getting published in peer-reviewed academic and medical journals is not easy. But careful attention to...

Headaches in ophthalmology (part 2)

Ophthalmologists see a large number of patients with headaches or facial pain in the ophthalmic outpatient clinics or in emergency clinics. Over two articles, I will discuss several causes of headaches, ocular manifestations and proposed management and referral options. It...

Post-stroke visual impairment: how big is the problem, how do we identify it, what we can do about it, and why does it matter?

In the UK, 100,000 new strokes occur each year, with 1.3 million stroke survivors [1]. This article will focus on post-stroke visual impairment, discussing topics of how common it is, how it can be detected, possible management options and how...

Acetylcholine receptor antibodies in the diagnosis of ocular myasthenia gravis at the Manchester Royal Eye Hospital

Myasthenia gravis (MG) is the commonest autoimmune condition to affect the neuromuscular junction. In the UK, its prevalence is 15 per 10,000 [1,2] and recent studies have shown that rates are steadily increasing [3,4]. Aims of this audit The aim...

Strabismus and ocular motility, demystified

I am a former orthoptist, now trained in medicine and working as a foundation doctor. In my previous work, I was frequently approached by ophthalmology trainees eager for guidance with strabismus and ocular motility. Drawing on my clinical experience, I...

A trip up north: Eye News Symposium 2020

New accents, friendly smiles and haggis served with my traditional morning breakfast, I knew at this point that I was a long way from the south of England, where this story begins.

OrCam MyEye – innovative sight assistance (Part 1)

For Jun/Jul 20201 and Aug/Sep 2021 we have a two-part review (see Part 2 here) of an innovative piece of sight impairment technology. The device is called a MyEye, made by OrCam. I was given the opportunity to use the...

Glasses for the blind and a safer internet

Google Glass I recently attended a demo of the Google Glass technology (at the TEDx Salford conference). For those who have not come across Glass, it a wearable computer developed by Google. In essence it is a very small computer...

Space age surgery

I asked to do theatre lists at Moorfields as part of my timetable. The medical retina fellow jobs are a bit odd in that the vast majority of the different rotations lack a regular theatre session. This might suit some...