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Aug/Sep 2017 Quiz

History A seven-year-old atopic boy has been treated for phlyctenulosis with mild topical steroids. However, he developed dramatic changes at the right limbus in two weeks. He also had past history of vernal keratoconjunctivitis (VKC) with poor compliance to treatment....

Apr/May 2014 Quiz 2

History A 29-year-old woman presented to the emergency department with a two week history of floaters and patchy peripheral visual field loss in the left eye (LE). She had no relevant medical history and she was not on any current...

Articles you will never read

I am sad as this is my last article. The last Learning Curve written by me. I have been writing this column for more than 10 years and have enjoyed every moment. I will be eternally grateful to Eye News...

Unconscious bias

Swansea University invited me to an Away Day. There was a whole day of lectures planned at a hotel conference suite just outside Swansea but due to clinic commitments I only caught the afternoon session; a ‘workshop’, on how to...

In conversation with Robert Johnston

Robert Johnston. What is your current role with Medisoft? Clinical Director, i.e. I head up the analysis for and design of Medisoft’s ophthalmology electronic medical records (EMR) product. I don’t program: all coding is done by Medisoft’s team of computer...

IN FOCUS - Beyond 2020: what next for global eye health?

The year 2020 is a pivotal year for global eye health. It marks the conclusion of ‘VISION 2020: The Right to Sight’ which has guided action for the past two decades, and the end of the World Health Organization (WHO)...

Neonatal hypoxic ischaemic encephalopathy with imaging abnormalities in the occipital lobe – how to counsel the parents

Case A baby boy, with a background of intrauterine growth restriction, was born at 37 weeks and three days gestation via forceps delivery. The baby was born in poor condition, with low heart rate, poor respiratory rate, poor colour and...

A closer look at the new wave of glaucoma surgery – radical or old school?

Glaucoma is a challenging condition to treat because the exact pathophysiology remains unclear and the only readily modifiable factor is the intraocular pressure (IOP). Additionally, most glaucoma patients are completely asymptomatic, yet are often subjected to lifelong medical therapy. The...

Resurfacing the ocular surface

The ocular surface (OS) is an anatomical and functional unit made of the tear film, the conjunctival, limbal and corneal epithelium, the lacrimal, mucous and meibomian glands and the lids and blink reflex. The tear film is composed of a...

Open source and tele-manufacturing for ophthalmology

Open source or crowd-sourcing and crowd-collaboration are concepts almost always associated with software and public online projects such as Wiki project. Never had I imagined that my team would apply the same principle in ophthalmology. Just less than a month...

Comic leaflets: an innovative method of patient education

Nowadays almost everyone has been exposed to comics, especially during childhood. In a way, this is a natural form of progression from children’s story books, which also contain words and pictures. This exposure has helped us to develop the graphic...

In conversation with Imran Rahman (CHEC)

Imran Rahman, CEO and Consultant Ophthalmologist, CHEC, spoke to Chris Henson about tackling the COVID-19 backlog, community-based support for the NHS, and the digitisation of healthcare. Without major intervention, will we ever see an end to the COVID-19-induced NHS backlog,...