You searched for "Climate"
Fixation disparity measurement
1 June 2018
| Fiona Rowe (Prof)
Paediatric Ophthalmology / Strabismus
Binocular vision, Ogle’s apparatus, Ogle’s procedure, fixation disparity, fixation disparity curve, fusion binocular vision
The authors evaluate different procedures looking at point zero, fixation disparity (FD) and motor fusion amplitude in order to calibrate the measurement of FD with Ogle’s apparatus with the overall goal to create a standardised measurement of the FD curve...
Comparison of vision screeners
1 February 2014
| Fiona Rowe (Prof)
Paediatric Ophthalmology / Strabismus
The primary purpose of this study was to calibrate the various paediatric photoscreeners over a range of contact lens induced hyperopic and astigmatic anisometropia using the American Association of Paediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus (AAPOS) criteria for anisometropic or axial astigmatism....
What's trending Aug/Sep 2021
4 August 2021
| David Ellis
EYE - Cataract, EYE - Refractive, EYE - Cornea, EYE - Vitreo-Retinal, EYE - General
A round-up of the eye-related hot topics that have been trending on social media over the last few weeks. #algae #optogenetics Scientists in Paris have used optogenetics to partially restore sight in a blind man’s eye who was diagnosed with...
Eyemate, Big Keys, SeeColors and Lastpass
1 February 2018
| David Haider
EYE - General
In this article we are covering four topics, ranging from a service to improve television for the color blind, to an intraocular implant that is now available to measure IOP. SeeColors Samsung have released a new app called SeeColors. The...
Laser pointer maculopathy
1 October 2019
| Fiona Rowe (Prof)
Paediatric Ophthalmology / Strabismus
The objective of this study was to describe the potential clinical presentations of retinal pathology resulting from exposure to laser pointers. The study included eight eyes of seven patients. Mean age was 18.7 years (12-36). Most were accidental self-inflicted while...
Nominations sought for ‘passionate’ new BCLA council members
“Committed” and “passionate” eye care professionals have been urged to put themselves forward to represent their peers on the BCLA council.Chandelier-assisted versus standard scleral buckling for rhegmatogenous retinal detachment repair. Systematic review and meta-analysis
4 December 2024
| Sofia Rokerya
EYE - Vitreo-Retinal
Despite a significant global decline in standard scleral buckling (SSB) procedures for rhegmatogenous retinal detachment (RRD), it continues to hold its place as an essential treatment option, offering distinct advantages such as cost-effectiveness, preservation of the vitreous, improved final visual...
2030 In Sight: Ending avoidable sight loss
2 August 2024
EYE - General
Over 2.2 billion people on our planet live with visual impairment or blindness with 1.1 billion unable to access affordable treatment. The 2030 In Sight sector strategy led by the International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness (IAPB) is an...
6.6.2020 – a celebration of international partnerships
5 October 2020
| Allen Foster (Prof), Josiah Onyango, John Nkurikiye, Mike Burdon, Melanie Corbett, Marcia Zondervan
EYE - Cataract, EYE - Cornea, EYE - Glaucoma, EYE - Imaging, EYE - Neuro-ophthalmology, EYE - Oculoplastic, EYE - Oncology, EYE - Orbit, EYE - Paediatrics, EYE - Pathology, EYE - Refractive, EYE - Strabismus, EYE - Vitreo-Retinal, EYE - General
The date 6.6.2020 was selected as a significant milestone for celebrating the achievements of the VISION LINKS Programme as part of the global ‘VISION 2020: The Right to Sight’ initiative [1]. This virtual full-day seminar included LINK partners in the...
Advanced Glaucoma Surgery Course in Africa through the Juba-Bournemouth VISION 2020 LINK
1 October 2019
| Saqalain Kassamali, Liya Ayalew, Ben Parkin, Marcia Zondervan, Will Dean, Karinya Lewis, Fatima Kyari, Heiko Philippin, Sheila Marco, Faith Masila, Daniel Kiago, Helen Roberts, Josiah Onyango
EYE - Glaucoma, EYE - General
In order to enhance specialist skills, particularly for South Sudan, the Juba-Bournemouth VISION 2020 LINK has been offering week-long intensive ophthalmic specialist training for the last three years, in collaboration with the University of Nairobi, the College of Ophthalmology of...
VISION 2020 LINKS: COECSA Fellowship examination goes from strength to strength
1 April 2019
| Dylan Costello, Muchai Gachago, Josiah Onyango, Robert Taylor, Mike Burdon, Marcia Zondervan
EYE - General
Eye health problems and access to diagnosis and treatment is an important issue throughout low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), and particularly on the African continent, where quality of life is drastically affected by poor vision, blindness and deteriorating eye health,...