You searched for "IFIS"
Cataract surgery in uveitis patients
Cataract formation is a common complication of uveitis, causing up to 40% of vision loss in these patients. Cataract results from inflammation +/- corticosteroid therapy and is usually posterior subcapsular, but a small proportion have a rapid increase in nuclear...A closed angle seldom comes alone
1 June 2017
| Lei-Ai Lim
EYE - Glaucoma
Case report An 89-year-old lady with dementia was referred to me out of hours by her GP with a few days history of an angry looking left eye for suspected elevated intraocular pressure (IOP). I discovered that this lady first...
Systemic sarcoidosis presenting with acute myopia and angle closure
1 June 2016
| Naser Ali, Sher Aslam
EYE - Cataract, EYE - Cornea, EYE - General, EYE - Glaucoma, EYE - Imaging, EYE - Neuro-ophthalmology, EYE - Oculoplastic, EYE - Oncology, EYE - Orbit, EYE - Paediatrics, EYE - Pathology, EYE - Strabismus, EYE - Refractive, EYE - Vitreo-Retinal
Case report A 40-year-old Asian man presented to the Emergency Department with a one day history of sudden onset visual disturbance in his right eye. He complained of image distortion and noted that objects now appeared smaller. He also described...
Feb/Mar 2015 Quiz 1
1 February 2015
| Shweta Kaushik, Eleni Nikita
EYE - Cataract, EYE - Cornea, EYE - Glaucoma, EYE - Imaging, EYE - Neuro-ophthalmology, EYE - Oculoplastic, EYE - Oncology, EYE - Orbit, EYE - Paediatrics, EYE - Pathology, EYE - Refractive, EYE - Strabismus, EYE - Vitreo-Retinal, EYE - General
A 79-year-old male presented to the ophthalmic emergency department with a three week history of left eye pain. He also reported visual deterioration in the left eye over the same period. He suffered from degenerative myopia, with his spectacle prescription...
Neurofibromatosis with multiple bilateral choroidal nevi and literature review
14 November 2024
| Mehru-Nisah Hanif, Syed Raza Ali Zaidi, Nausheen Hayat
EYE - Imaging, EYE - Oncology, EYE - Vitreo-Retinal
The aim is to present a case of neurofibromatosis type-1 (NF-1), also known as von Recklinghausen disease, who presented with bilateral multiple choroidal nodular nevi following chemotherapy and mastectomy for breast cancer. Neurofibromatosis type-1 presents as a wide range of...
Katherine McVeigh
4 February 2021
| Katherine McVeigh
EYE - General
In this new section we profile creatives whose work is inspired by the eye. Since I was a child, I have enjoyed art projects. It provided me with a space for creative freedom without rules or restrictions. Unfortunately, this fell...
Uveitis‐Glaucoma‐Hyphaemia syndrome retrospective case-control study
7 April 2021
| Kareem Waleed Alsaffarini
Uveitis-Glaucoma-Hyphaema syndrome, iris transillumination defects, malpositioned intraocular lens
The authors present the findings of a case-control study aiming to assess uveitis‐glaucoma‐hyphaemia (UGH) syndrome, focusing on the resolution, glaucoma development and risk factors. The authors compared three groups each containing 71 patients. Each group contained patients with UGH syndrome,...
Retinoblastoma in older children
7 April 2021
| Annes Ahmeidat
Paediatric Ophthalmology / Strabismus
Misdiagnosis, Older age, Retinoblastoma
Retinoblastoma is the most common ophthalmic malignancy in childhood and over 90% are diagnosed before the age of five years. It is not often suspected in older children given its rarity and unusual clinical findings which complicates the diagnosis. The...
Tumour deposits following choroidal melanoma treatment
7 April 2021
| Annes Ahmeidat
Retina / Uvea / Vitreous
Choroidal melanoma, Metastasis, Recurrence, Retinal melanoma, Retinoinvasive melanoma, Uveal melanoma
The authors present the unique case of retinoinvasive melanoma following treatment of choroidal melanoma with brachytherapy. Uveal melanoma, the commonest intraocular malignancy in adults, presents as a pigmented mass in the choroid, ciliary body, or iris. A 79-year-old Caucasian male...
How long to wait to refract after instilling cyclo drops for children with brown irides?
3 April 2023
| Fiona Rowe (Prof)
Paediatric Ophthalmology / Strabismus
Cyclopentolate, brown irides, cycloplegia, cycloplegic refraction, refraction
This study aimed to assess the time needed for effective cycloplegia after instillation of 1% cyclopentolate drops in children with brown irides. The study recruited 161 consecutive patients aged three to 16 years. All had refraction on arrival, then instillation...
Outcomes of plaque radiotherapy for retinoblastoma
3 April 2023
| Fiona Rowe (Prof)
Paediatric Ophthalmology / Strabismus
The study authors evaluate their experience of plaque radiotherapy for retinoblastoma (RB) in 41 eyes of 41 patients that failed intra-arterial chemotherapy (IAC). This was a retrospective review including 21 females and 20 males. Median age was 18 months and...
Cataract surgery in patients with Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada
1 February 2019
| Tasmin Berman
Retina / Uvea / Vitreous
This retrospective, interventional case series of 286 patients (408 eyes) assessed visual outcome and prognostic factors in patients with Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada (VKH) undergoing cataract surgery between September 2008 and December 2017. Two groups were reviewed. The first group (352 eyes) had...