You searched for "Research"

1645 results found

Is serum ACE useful in diagnosing sarcoidosis in uveitis patients?

This retrospective clinical notes review assesses whether serum angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) is useful in the diagnosis of sarcoidosis in patients presenting with uveitis. There were 1035 consecutive subjects presenting with uveitis as part of baseline investigations had a serum...

House of cards

When I was a junior doctor in the late 1990s writing my first scientific papers, once each article was finished, I had to fill out an application form, print out multiple copies and then walk to the post office at...

Initiatives in macular service provision

A report from Monitor in October 2015 identifies good practices that will realise most of the potential productivity gain in elective care available to NHS hospitals. These include: stratifying patients by risk and creating low-complexity pathways for lower-risk patients (tailoring...

Newer generation IOL platforms designed for high-quality visual performance after cataract surgery

Expanding intraocular lens (IOL) capabilities provide broadening options, ranging from next-generation monofocal IOLs for basic cataract surgery, to specialised premium IOLs for lens-based presbyopia correction and astigmatism correction at the time of cataract surgery. Rod McNeil considers several newer alternative...

Anisometropia following cataract surgery and its non-surgical treatment

The desired result of cataract surgery is improved visual acuity without the use of spectacles. In practice most patients following initial cataract extraction are likely to be symptomatic of anisometropia giving rise to prismatic effects (anisophoria) and unequal retinal image...

Blind Veterans UK calls on eye health professionals to direct blind and vision impaired veterans to vital support

A national charity is asking ophthalmologists and eye health professionals to help them reach out to the tens of thousands of blind and vision impaired ex-service men and women who are currently missing out on vital support to help them...

Biomaterials and Regenerative Medicines in Ophthalmology (Second Edition)

With advancement in science and technology in the last decade, the role of biomaterials and regenerative medicines has become increasingly important in the management of various ocular disorders. This book highlights the role of biomaterials in the restoration of vision...

Using OCT to screen and monitor Alzheimer’s disease

Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a neurodegenerative illness characterised by progressive decline in cognitive function. AD is the main cause of dementia worldwide. Over recent years researchers have strived to find biomarkers to diagnose AD, particularly in the early stages of...

Simulated intravitreal injection training – the way forward

Simulated surgical training is now recommended in the training curricula of all ophthalmologists in the United Kingdom [1]. Simulated training allows for familiarisation with a procedure, exercises the discipline of repetition, allows the resolution of technical difficulties and enables refinement...

UKISOP and the allied health professions

In ophthalmology practice today there is a vast number of training and educational opportunities for staff from all professional backgrounds. The key is to use your study leave and funding wisely! In the first of this series of articles, signalling...

Women-led, solar powered eye centres to treat 1 million people at risk of avoidable blindness in India

One million people at risk of avoidable blindness in West Bengal, India, now have access to eye care thanks to the opening of nine environmentally friendly Green Vision Centres, five of which are led by women.

RCOphth Annual Congress - Day 3

Follow live updates and key highlights from Day 3 of the RCOphth Annual Congress.