You searched for "retina"

1192 results found

Reflections on designing and delivering an undergraduate ophthalmology teaching programme

Dr Alexander Strother reflects on his time designing and delivering a classroom-based programme to ensure that medical students know how to take comprehensive ophthalmic histories from patients. Working as a clinical teaching fellow, in 2021 I had the great privilege...

Interview with Clinical Director of OpenEyes

Professor James Morgan is an Ophthalmic Consultant at Cardiff Hospital and also the clinical director of the OpenEyes programme. Given the national push for electronic records we felt hearing directly from James would be of interest. The interview was conducted...

What not to miss in neuro-ophthalmology Part 2

As mentioned previously there are several conditions in neuro-ophthalmology that should not be missed by the general ophthalmologist as well as ophthalmology trainees. We discussed in the first part some of these conditions including third cranial nerve palsies, giant cell...

The Ophthalmic Imaging Association holds successful first virtual conference

When the coronavirus pandemic hit, many of the things we enjoy were postponed or cancelled, including the 2020 Ophthalmic Imaging Association (OIA) conference. The Ophthalmic Imaging Association committee began focusing on 2021 but it soon became apparent a face-to-face conference...

An optometrist’s view of the Emergency Eye Day

Liverpool is steeped in history, from its mercantile history, home to Cunard and the White Star line, to the Merseybeat and Derek Hatton. Not to be outdone at their annual meeting in the city, the Royal College of Ophthalmologists made...

Ophthalmology Foundation: a promising new beginning

The world’s leaders in ophthalmology have created the new Ophthalmology Foundation, to make prevention of blindness and maintenance of high quality vision accessible to people of all nations. Board of Directors President David EI Pyott explains their vision for the...

What you learn after performing 10,000 cataracts

What do you do when the anterior chamber shallows, or the zonules give way? How do you handle the stubborn epinuclear plate? Raymond Radford shares the benefit of his experience when dealing with tricky cataract surgery. Firstly, you realise you...

The meaning of life

Supercomputer: “The answer to the great question of Life, the Universe and Everything is…”Programmer: “Yes…?”Supercomputer: “42. It was a tough assignment”.Programmer: “42? Is that all you have got to show for seven and a half million years work?” In this...

Glaucoma patients can monitor and treat their own IOP!

Simerdip Kaur takes a look at the latest ophthalmology-related stories in the news. Headline: Glaucoma patients can monitor and treat their own IOP! It is well known that poorly controlled intraocular pressure (IOP) is a leading risk factor for glaucoma...

Does a gut-eye axis exist?

Simerdip Kaur takes a look at the latest ophthalmology-related news stories and asks which are based on facts and which are ‘fake news’. Headline: Does a gut-eye axis exist? Over a decade ago, the Human Microbiome Project was launched by...

Another plant-based remedy for the eye?

Simerdip Kaur takes a look at the latest ophthalmology-related news stories and asks which are based on facts and which are ‘fake news’. Headline: Another plant-based remedy for the eye? What do the nicknames Mary Jane, tea, and 420 all...

The management of chronic uveitis

A 40-year-old company executive is referred from another unit with recurrent anterior and posterior uveitis for 12 months and the inflammatory markers are raised. Review of systems This is a case of chronic uveitis which needs a thorough workup and...