You searched for "LMICs"

128 results found

Redeployment during the COVID-19 pandemic: personal accounts from four ophthalmology trainees

We once believed that the coronavirus would not penetrate the safe confines of the United Kingdom, like so many outbreaks before this. Once the news came that this pandemic descended into our hospitals, the anxieties about redeployment began. Many of...

Understanding spaceflight-associated neuro-ocular syndrome (SANS): what do we know?

Introduction Formerly known as visual impairment and intracranial pressure syndrome (VIIP), space-related neuro-ocular syndrome (SANS) is defined by a collection of ophthalmic and neurological findings in astronauts after long-term spaceflight [1]. Changes in the eyeball, such as hyperopic shift, during...

GDPR, email and private practice

A new set of data protection regulations became law in the EU (including the UK) in May 2018. General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) replaces the 1988 Data Protection Act. The regulation brings new rights and expectations about how our personal...

Protecting and recovering from email hacking

Over the last 12 months I have received emails from more than 20 friends and acquaintances (mostly doctors) who didn’t send those emails. More often than not I find the emails in my ‘Spam’ folder as Gmail knows they are...

Articles you will never read

I am sad as this is my last article. The last Learning Curve written by me. I have been writing this column for more than 10 years and have enjoyed every moment. I will be eternally grateful to Eye News...

The reps

Who are the reps? Every one of us knows the friendly face of the local randomprost eye drop representative or the nice man from that eye lubricant company. These company representatives travel up and down the region with a smile,...

Effecting change

I took a picture of my new identity badge and sent it to everyone I knew. In fact, I put it up on Facebook as well. The two key words were ‘Consultant Ophthalmologist’ and let us ignore for now that...

Open source and tele-manufacturing for ophthalmology

Open source or crowd-sourcing and crowd-collaboration are concepts almost always associated with software and public online projects such as Wiki project. Never had I imagined that my team would apply the same principle in ophthalmology. Just less than a month...

Retinal arteriovenous malformation

A 24-year-old Caucasian girl reported to the eye clinic with the complaint of painless decreased vision in her right eye. She had no history of infectious disease, trauma, systemic malignancy or other systemic complaint. Her best corrected visual acuity was...

Will COVID-19 impact the selection of ophthalmology as a career choice by medical students?

The COVID-19 pandemic has had profound effects on medical education and has called for large shifts in the medical curriculum. Clinical attachments were suspended at the height of the pandemic and examinations were cancelled or were moved to an online...

Preventing refractive surprises by real time biometry during cataract surgery

A few months ago a retired lady presented for second eye cataract surgery. I noted on the pre-op ward round that the outcome of her first eye’s surgery looked like a refractive surprise as her spherical equivalent in that eye...

Spotlight: The Community Eye Health Journal

In many low-income settings, where vision loss is greatest, eyecare is hampered by shortages in trained health workers. In sub-Saharan Africa, there are fewer than five ophthalmologists per million population, compared to over 70 per million in high-income countries. Eyecare...