You searched for "hypermetropia"

245 results found

Congenital ptosis and astigmatism

This is a review of the effect of congenital ptosis surgery on refractive error. Seventy-one eyes of 56 patients were reviewed. The unoperated eye in unilateral cases was used as the control group. The mean age at surgery was 5.1...

Aqueous misdirection: a case series of unexpected surgical complications

Aqueous misdirection (AM), also known as malignant glaucoma, is a form of secondary glaucoma that typically presents with shallowing of the anterior chamber (AC), raised intraocular pressure (IOP), and reduced visual acuity (VA) in the presence of patent peripheral iridotomies...

Feb/Mar 2015 Quiz 1

A 79-year-old male presented to the ophthalmic emergency department with a three week history of left eye pain. He also reported visual deterioration in the left eye over the same period. He suffered from degenerative myopia, with his spectacle prescription...

Strabismus in high myopia

The authors report the occurrence of exotropia-hypotropia complex in 15 cases of high myopia. The mean age at presentation was 23.5 years (10-35 years). Only two patients had high bilateral myopia. The mean axial length of the deviating eye was...

An unusual case of silicone oil in the anterior chamber simulating intraocular implant

Silicone oil internal tamponade has been used for over 50 years, even prior to pars plana vitrectomy [1].Over a course of time silicone oil may migrate to the anterior chamber through the pupil. This may disperse in the form of...

The challenge of chorioretinal folds in virtual eye clinics

Chorioretinal or choroidal folds are parallel striations involving the retina, retinal pigment epithelium (RPE), Bruch’s membrane, and inner choroid [1]. They can arise from compressive stress on these layers, and their presence often serves as a diagnostic marker for underlying...

Ocular motility disturbances after glaucoma drainage device

This is a cross-sectional study of children (<17-years-old) with a glaucoma drainage device (GDD) (Ahmed vs Baerveldt) implanted consecutively by a single surgeon from the Toronto group, between September 2006 and May 2018 and who had an ocular motility examination...

Surgery for myopic esotropia

The authors report a modified Jenson procedure for the treatment of high axial myopic esotropia. Their study includes 15 eyes of 13 patients with a mean age of 50±10.4 years. Mean spherical refraction was -22.53±6.06 dioptres. Mean axial length was...

Anisometropia following cataract surgery and its non-surgical treatment

The desired result of cataract surgery is improved visual acuity without the use of spectacles. In practice most patients following initial cataract extraction are likely to be symptomatic of anisometropia giving rise to prismatic effects (anisophoria) and unequal retinal image...

Risk factors for consecutive XT

The authors report a retrospective study to investigate possible risk factors leading to consecutive exotropia development in patients who underwent two muscle strabismus surgery to achieve an initial alignment within 10PD. The exotropia group included 25 female and 22 males....

The results of the last survey Jun24

When I was in my training and even in my early years as a consultant, I did not fully understand the difference between different lenses. When asked my preference of hydrophilic versus hydrophobic intraocular lenses (IOLs) I really did not...

Central fixation testing in microtropia

This study compared the two assessment methods of the 4D prism test and ocular fixation assessment in order to identify micro strabismus with identity. The study included 112 children; 46 males and 66 females. Anisometropia was present in 108 patients...